32- Moon and Stars

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It had been a couple of weeks since me and Lupin had started our little fling. It was probably the most exciting two weeks of my life, it was like I constantly had butterflies in my stomach. Like they lived there and paid rent.

It'd start off in class we'd wind each other up, throwing about innuendos that only we would catch.

It was risky, risky as fuck actually, but that's what made it fun.

He'd find an excuse for me to stay behind, making sure not to do it everyday so it wouldn't draw attention. Either way, we somehow saw each other every single day outside of class.
I'd be walking down the corridors and he'd give me a look from across the corridor, nodding his head slightly and I'd follow him, making sure no one would see me. Or sometimes he'd just grab me by my arm and drag me into one, quickly locking the door and making sure we didn't spend too long in there.
It was fun, exciting and I never wanted it to end.

It was wrong what we were doing, we knew that. Sneaking around.

But it didn't feel wrong and it certainly didn't feel wrong in the way it might have looked.
It had nothing to do with the age difference.
I was in no way feeling pressured or anything of the sort, it felt right, natural.

The only thing that felt wrong was that we had to keep hiding it. But it was the price we had to pay and we tried to stop but we couldn't.
We couldn't keep our hands off of each other.
There was no point in denying it, it was just there. Always there.

It was only two weeks and all we were doing was fucking, but it was the happiest I think I'd ever been. Even if it was only sex.
It was weird, technically what we were doing was only sex.

If it wasn't sex, he'd push me up against the wall or sit me on a desk and snog the shit out of me before sending me back out, looking all fucked out.

What we were doing was in no way innocent.
There was nothing innocent about it.
But there was something that was raw and pure.
Maybe it was him.
Maybe it was just him that was making it not seem like just fucking.
Maybe if it was someone else I would just think I'd spent two weeks having a fling with someone and not think anything of it.
I certainly wouldn't have thought it was the best two weeks of my life if it was anyone else.
It was him.
He was refreshing, different.

It felt like it all came crashing down when I walked into his class and his expression changed again.

I didn't say anything, maybe he was just not in a good mood, but I waited until after lesson was over when I realised I couldn't not speak to him. I was beginning to grow addicted to the man. I gave Draco and Blaise some quick excuse and they didn't wait for me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said giving me a quick smile, but it didn't seem genuine.
I walked up to him and looked at his face scanning it, trying to gage his reaction.
"Are you sure?"

He nodded and I reluctantly let it go. He seemed alright. I nodded and he gave me a smile.

I reached up to kiss him and he kissed me back, his hands around my waist steadying me as I tried to reach up. When it started to get heated he pulled away, breathless and put distance between us.

I looked at him confused and he gave me that same smile he gave me first. I was about to ask him what was wrong again, but my pride stopped me.

"I erm.. I've got to get this lesson started for third years." He said quickly.

I gave him a quick smile back and nodded leaving the class.

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