04- Teaspoon

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The days rolled into November, winter was approaching. Winter at Hogwarts was magical, actually. The Great Hall was always lit, fires always on in the common rooms, different house scarves everywhere. The one thing about Hogwarts though, was that no matter the weather, be it sunny or snowing, quidditch was always on. There had to quite literally be the return of the Dark Lord himself for quidditch to stop. The ones who loved quidditch and were passionate about it didn't seem to care, they'd play it in any circumstances if they really wanted to. Blaise was one of them.

"Practice after Charms Draco, in our free, don't forget, we've got a match today."

"Who cares? It's only against Hufflepuff we'll win them easy, plus it's raining."

"It's not against Hufflepuff, it's against Gryffindor."

As soon as he said that, Draco's entire stance changed, it went from relaxed and unbothered to tensed and competitive. It was quite funny how much he despised Gryffindors. It's like he never grew out of the first year rivalry. Gryffindor and Slytherin quidditch matches were always dirty though, entertaining, but brutal. Slytherin did play dirty, it was a fact, that they'd play by any means to win, no matter how ruthless it was. They never even denied it, they knew they played dirty,

"You've got to do whatever it takes to win." Blaise would say.

As if the game was ever even that deep. One time I told him that it was just a game and he was so pissed and I never understood why, it's not like I lied, but you'd think by his reaction I had slapped him in the face.

"Don't be late alright."

"Alright, calm down."

The day went on as usual, a normal day in Hogwarts, whatever normal meant anyway. We had a free and Draco and Blaise had gone to practice whilst I sat with Hermione in the library as she went over some Arithmancy essay.

"I don't even know why you chose that, it looks so confusing and dreadfully boring."

She rolled her eyes and didn't look up from what she was writing, her quill scribbling away.

"You know, you're quite clever I don't know why you never try."

That wasn't true, I did try.. sometimes.

"That's not true I do try, maybe not as much as you, but you're a different level Granger, you're just not the average human."

She pushed my legs off the desk they were resting on.

"Here I thought you purebloods had manners, weren't you all raised like that, with etiquette."

I tensed. Yes, yes we were. At least I was anyway, I doubt the Weasley family had regular lessons on etiquette. It was a natural reaction for me to tense whenever someone brought up my family, and I hated it. It's like my body would disobey and expose me. Like all the muscles in my body would contract at the thought of them, the thought of people finding out what they were actually like. It stressed me out, a thought that often kept me up at night.

Thankfully her eyes were still etched on the piece of parchment in front of her, she hadn't seen it. I knew if she had, she'd pick it up instantly. Hermione was good at that, reading people, she'd pick things up that others would just brush away.

"Sorry mum, do you want to check if I can hold a knife and fork right as well?" I said sarcastically, trying to quickly say anything so she didn't suspect anything was wrong.
She rolled her eyes again and ignored me.

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