29- Mistake

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He smiled at how quickly I shut up. It wasn't technically my fault. Who wouldn't shut up?
I was mentally cursing myself for being so weak and just giving in so quickly, but he was being so intimidating that I forgot all of my morals and my rules.

Part of my mind was registering that he was holding me up against the wall and I was wondering where he was getting the strength from. I just didn't expect it, he wasn't exactly built. He had a fairly average kind of body, but I suppose I didn't really see it properly, he still had his shirt on and it didn't look like he was taking it off anytime soon.

I started to panic when I realised he might try and take my shirt off again. All the buttons were already open, but I didn't want him to fully take it off. I didn't want him to see my back. It was as if he had read my mind and sensed that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" He asked slightly out of breath and it amazed me how quickly he switched from being all intimidating and dominant to being the nice normal sweet guy that he was.

"Nothing." I said smiling to reassure him.

There was nothing wrong and I didn't want him to feel like I was somehow scared of him or something because I wasn't. I had been waiting 8 months for him to finally do something, there was quite literally nothing I wanted more from him. It was my own insecurities that were nagging at my brain.
I never got insecure, ever. Especially not in sex, so I didn't know how to deal with it.

"Sure?" He asked and I nodded kissing him again, his eyes immediately darkening switching back to how he was just moments ago.

We fucked there on the wall and just when I thought it was over it wasn't. He carried me over to the desk clearing it quickly and setting me down on it. Before I could think he kissed me again harshly.

Merlin this is how I'm going to die.

It was amazing but I was starting to get stressed. He hadn't used a silencing charm and I was struggling. I bit down on his shoulder and he tugged my hair back so I could look at him directly.

He traced his thumb over my lip and I grabbed onto his bicep, bracing myself, clinging onto him as I lost myself.

"Such a pretty mouth..." He mumbled, his eyes fixed on my lips and I thought I was going to die there and then.

"But you're going to have to keep quiet darling." He said still staring at my lips, his eyes flickering up to meet my own after a few seconds.

I wanted to please him, I wanted nothing more, but I wanted to see him even more angry if that was possible.

"Think you can do that?"


"No?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"No." I repeated shaking my head, but I smiled so he would know I wasn't actually being serious.

Without hesitation, he shoved me back down so my head hit the desk and he roughly put his hand over my mouth.

Yep that was the right call.
Holy shit.

I closed my eyes turning my face to the side and grabbed onto the edge of the desk. He yanked my face once more to face him forcing me to open my eyes.

The state of the classroom was actually laughable once we were done. It was a wreck and I didn't understand how it even got like that, but I suppose I wasn't really thinking about anything other than him the whole way through.

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