34- Scars

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Monday morning came and as we stood outside of the Defence Against the Dark Arts, I felt myself praying that Snape hadn't done anything. It seemed like we were waiting for hours when in reality we were just a couple of minutes early.

As I looked over Draco's shoulder, brown hair slicked back came into view and I let out the biggest sigh of relief.

Oh thank god.
Thank you Snape you star.
I'll never be mean to you or piss you off ever again.

I felt like I could finally breathe, if he had been fired I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. I'd have effectively ruined his life.
As he saw me, he gave me a small barely there smile and I smiled back at him before he opened the classroom door to let us all in.

We sat down and I was itching for lesson to be over with so I could finally speak to him about the situation. It was about halfway through lesson when he took his robes off and I damn near choked on my own spit.

"What?" Draco asked bewildered besides me.

"Nothing." I said quickly as I tried my best to calm down so my cheeks wouldn't flush red.

I trained my eyes on the plant in the corner and it reminded me of the first time he had ever worn it and how the plant was quite possibly the reason for my survival. I couldn't believe he would wear it after we got caught, when he knew the effect it would have on me.
I shouldn't have been attracted to his boldness.
Because his boldness always appeared at the wrong fucking times. He didn't show this kind of boldness when he actually needed to.
I couldn't help it, it was attractive though, no matter how much it was irritating.

"Give me a sec, literally it'll only be a minute wait outside, I just need to ask him something." I said to Draco as we both got up to leave the class. He nodded but made a comment on his way out saying he wouldn't wait for too long and I rolled my eyes at his impatience.

As the classroom emptied I walked over to him.

"So?" I asked looking up at him, staring at his eyes, only his eyes.

"So, it's fine. I spoke to him, he didn't say anything so I assumed he wouldn't spill."

"What did you say?"

"Does it matter?"

Fair enough.

"Probably should stop seeing each other for a while." I said and he immediately nodded.

"Yeah I was gonna say, don't think it's the best idea to push the limits."

I nodded and my eyes trailed down to his chest.

"Why'd you wear that?" I asked bluntly and he snorted.

"I swear, I wasn't trying to seduce you. It was the only clean shirt I had." He said genuinely and I looked back up to him, narrowing my eyes trying to see if he was telling the truth.

He laughed again and put his hand over his heart.

"Look hand on heart. I didn't wear it on purpose." He said sincerely and I sighed, rolling my eyes.

He looks like he's telling the truth.

"Okay, I should get going." I said and he nodded as I turned on my heel.

It had been a week and a half since our last conversation. We didn't speak after classes and even though I knew it was the right thing to do it was proving to be really difficult.
We went from all contact to no contact at all and I was struggling. The next time I saw him outside of lesson was in his room. It was the second time I had been there, but it was the first time I actually stayed.

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