64- Teacher's Pet

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After a while of drinking down my sorrows, Draco came up with a solution as I laid hopelessly on his leather sofa.

"Work with me."

I looked at him and rolled my eyes, putting the bottle of firewhiskey on the ground.

"I hate the Ministry. It's dull."

"Money. You don't even have to apply. You're an Avery. It'll be light work."

"But I love being an auror."

"Well then stay there then, you're so annoying." He said finally growing exhausted of me.

"Don't be rude."

"You want to see them together? Then stay there. Because they are together."

"Merlin stop saying it."

"Well it's the truth."

"I'm going to stick with it. I'm an auror. It's my thing. I'm supposed to be the cool one, I'm supposed to be the one who does the reckless shit and gets the credit for being crazy."

"Okay so stick with it then."


I turned back around so that I was laying on my back and facing the ceiling.
Draco wandered off into the kitchen, probably to get another drink or to wash his hands or something I didn't know.

I sighed deeply when he came back.

"You're just going to sit there and let me stay where I'll see them probably fucking snogging?"

"Well what do you want me to do?"

"Tell me I should work for the Ministry!"

"You said you didn't want to!"

"Well yeah but you're supposed to convince me that it's a good idea because it'll be fun and that I'll be with my best mate and it.."

"No. Once you're there you have to pretend like you don't know me."

I sat up straight, completely in disbelief of what he had just said.

"You're embarrassed of me?"

"You take away all the shine! You can't handle the attention not being on you for a second. You'll worm your way in and just like being an auror's your thing this is mine."

"If I take away your shine it's probably because you're not shiny enough. That's not my fault."

"Piss off."

"I won't take away your shine. If I do, it's not my fault but I'll try not to." I teased, smirking at him.

And it was sorted.
I'd work for the Ministry with him and I wouldn't have to see them.

I mean I would probably still see them because we'd technically all still be in the Ministry, but at least I wouldn't have to sit and endure her talking about him.

So the next day, I went in early and handed in my resignation.
My boss was taken aback, he even offered to up my wage just to keep me on, but I stuck with it and thanked him for all that he'd done for me and sadly, he let me go.

And as I packed up my stuff, I saw them, finally I saw him.
Sometimes, it felt like the universe had it out for me.
I hadn't seen him in ages and the one day, the one day, I didn't want to see him at all, he walked in, Tonks on one side of him and Sirius stood next to her.

Great big fucking trio.

I stood my ground.
I wasn't going to run away from them, they had seen me now, I wasn't that pathetic.
Head high, voice steady.

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