25 - Dark Marks

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Lupin was being nice.Extra nice and I didn't like it. It made me feel like worst person on the planet. He kept checking on me because he was worried, I could tell. I was being so cold and distant to him I felt like the biggest bitch in the world.

Just let him in, he's trying.
How can you expect help off of people when you don't let them.

"Stop thinking about him you're making it harder for yourself."

"I know I can't help it Blaise, I feel like such a bitch he's being so nice to me."

"If Snape finds out, it won't end well. He's a professor."

"I know."

I sighed and closed my eyes and he laid down next to me.

"We've got him in five minutes." He said.

"I don't wanna go."

"We have to."

"I don't wanna be at Hogwarts, I don't wanna be at home either. I wish we could just run away."

"And go where?" He said smirking.

"Dunno, where dy'a fancy? Me and you. We should go."


"No, that's boring. Venice."

"Alright we'll go one day. When this is all over."

"Is that a promise?" I said smiling and he smiled back at me.

"It's close and we're rich. We'll go. Me and you."


We sat in silence for a few minutes and he sighed.

"But right now we've got to go to class."

I groaned and we got up and started making our way there.

I felt myself zoning out. His teaching was like background noise. I wanted to laugh at the irony of it. Before the holidays, I couldn't focus on anything other than the sound of his voice, I was too focused on him. I remember having to force myself to look away from him.
Now my gaze was transfixed on the textbook on the desk in front of me. I wasn't paying him any attention it was like I was blocking him from my mind.

Midway through lesson my body felt like it was on fire again and I tensed and gripped the edge of the table.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked.
"Nothing, period cramps."
He nodded and I focused back on breathing.

It's okay, it'll pass. It'll only last for a while. It'll go.

I loosened my tie because I was sweating all over. Draco grabbed my hand gently and I flinched and hissed.

"Get off me."

He immediately let go and I closed my eyes.
"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you."

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine they come and go, it'll go."
He nodded hesitantly and I grit my teeth and dealt with it.
I was right, it didn't last that long.
Only ten minutes.
What was that to hours and hours of it?

Lesson came to an end and I was about to run out of the classroom. I could tell he noticed that something was wrong because he kept glancing at me throughout the lesson.
Before I could run out he called my name.
I stopped in my tracks.

"Stay here for a minute."

"Can't, I have quidditch Sir."

"You don't play quidditch."

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