59- Drive Home

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It had been almost a week and no word of Remus. I was beginning to feel stupid, but I really did believe that he was going to try, especially now that we had sort of clarified things. Maybe it was wishful thinking but I assumed that he would have been making an effort every single day bearing in mind how much he was begging for my forgiveness.

"Tell me the word, I'll do anything my fucking arse, he's a wanker, and an utter twat"

Kieran snorted besides me as he lifted a stack of cardboard boxes off of the counter top that I was leaning my elbows on whilst simultaneously picking at the Chinese he had picked up for us.

"Oh the energy is buzzing in here." Another voice called out sarcastically, growing louder as he entered the room just like Kieran with boxes in his hands.

"You can sod off. Who even are you again?" I snarked back, scowling at his two pence, which caused Kieran to aggressively elbow my side.

"Play nice. Ignore her Will, she's just being mardy because she has no patience and her wolfy boyfriend is being a bit of a knob."

Immediately I darted my eyes to Kieran, wide as the word wolfy left his mouth. He was getting too comfortable around the wizarding world and I was afraid that one day he would accidentally let a lot of things slip out.


"He's a hairy lad, anyway, can you grab those headphones for me?" Kieran answered swiftly, and I felt myself let out a sigh of relief as I went back to stabbing the noodles in my plate.

Kieran had taken up my offer finally.
Not like it was really an offer, he kind of had to accept it. The whole thing was extremely wholesome. He cried, and hugged me as if his life depended on it, I cried seeing him so happy and just overly emotional at the fact that he was so pure sometimes. It was all very soppy and sweet. Which was a complete contrast to how we were being now, bickering like siblings.

"Come on sort your face out. You're ruining moving day."

"You're moving. I'm staying here. I don't want to go back to London. I belong here. My ancestors were here. This is where I should be. Not in stupid Kensington where Draco has birds over every night begging him to fuck him harder."

"Wouldn't your ancestors technically have been in the East?"

"What like cockney? Nah."

"I mean East as in the Middle East."



I ignored his smirk at my obviously dumb moment and looked down at my plate, going back to pondering all the different reasons why Remus wouldn't try to see me. It couldn't have been the full moon. I doubted it was work and I didn't think he'd have the balls to start speaking to someone new. I came to the conclusion that all he was, was empty promises.

"Besides you said Sheffield is a shit hole."

"It is."

"So why on Earth would someone stay?"

"Dunno. Maybe I'll bump into Alex Turner, maybe we'll get married and live a happily ever after."

"He's not even fit. He looks like a muppet."

"You're a muppet."

He ignored me to carry on doing whatever it was that he was doing, leaving me alone to sulk. I gave up on the food put out in front of me, quickly scanning the room to ensure that Will was occupied with Kieran in the other room before using a quick spell to send it flying into the bin.

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