48- 505

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"I love this smell, I've never quite smelt anything like it, Merlin I would have a bath full of it if I could."

"You've never smelt anything quite like it because it's oud, not a perfume, plus it's Arab. The one I get, it's imported fro.."

"Can you get me one, whatever the hell it is."

"It's like an oil, a scented one."

"Can you get me one too?"

I laughed in his arms and he smiled in the crook of my neck as I untangled us.

"I'll get you whatever you want."

He groaned as I got up and left him in bed, his arms reaching out to grab me, in attempts to make me stay.

"Not all of us get Easter holidays, you're lucky." I said chuckling lightly as I took off his shirt, leaving it on the floor. I quickly went to the bathroom, coming out after a few minutes to look through the wardrobe.

"I feel sort of guilty, all these kids, they've got no one to go home to, especially since the war, I feel like I should be there."

I paused and turned over my shoulder to look at him. He looked sort of sad, his eyes fixed on the end of the bed, sort of in a daze.

"Hey, you deserve a break too right?"


I carried on shuffling through the clothes on the hangers and I heard him yawn loudly behind me.

"Which one?" I asked holding up two skirts and he shrugged his shoulders, still yawning.

"Well aren't you helpful?"

"Anything I say you don't like anyway, s'not like you ever listen."

"Yeah cause you like things that make me look like a grandma."

"I think you look cute in them."

"Just cause you're fine with looking like a grandpa doesn't mean we all are."

He rolled his eyes and scratched his jaw, stretching and I was jealous that I had to go into work when he could stay in.

"After you're done fancy going to Hounslow with me? Got to pick up a few things, Minnie's sending me there, apparently she's thinking of getting a new Professor in."

"All the way to Hounslow? Can't she do it herself? Why's she sending you?"

He shrugged his shoulders as I zipped up my skirt.

"Can do if you want, s'abit long though, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but, got to be done."

I nodded and was about to leave, grabbing my bag.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked teasingly.

I smiled and walked over to him, kissing him softly and quickly, he smiled into it as I pulled away.

"Not quite darling, don't think you'll be that great of an auror without a wand."

I let out a small "oh" to which he mocked and then laughed. I flicked his forehead and grabbed it from the nightstand, finally making my way out.

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