16- Trouble

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"Get up, you're going to be late."


"Layla I will stab you if you don't shut up."

"Fine then, kol khara."

"Stop showing off, just cause you can speak it doesn't mean I don't understand everything you're saying."

"Kol khara." She repeated mocking me.

"Ayreh feek." I mumbled out not opening my eyes.

I heard her gasp and I couldn't help smiling.

"I thought you were like properly white washed."

"I only know the bad words, of course."

"Well come on get up, you're gonna be late."
I opened my eyes and she was fully dressed in her uniform.

"How are you already ready?"

"I wake up early naturally and by the way you kick in your sleep."

I rolled over onto my stomach and ignored her and eventually she dragged me up.

"This is disrespectful. I'm 18 you're 12. Haven't you heard of respecting your elders?"

"Well I don't think it counts in this case, you're more of a child than me."

"Get off me. I'm up."

I got up and she stayed in my dorm as I got ready.

"What lesson do you have?" I asked her.

"Muggle Studies. What about you?"

"Defence Against the Dark Arts."

Once I was done we started walking out to get to our classrooms. She was telling me something about this girl in her year and I wasn't paying to attention to her. I was just sleepy, I wasn't trying to be rude, I just wasn't a morning person.I nodded here and there as she rambled on so she wouldn't notice that I wasn't listening, she did anyway.

"Aaliyah are you even listening?"


"Yes! Layla! What is it?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath.I found myself wanting to speak to him again. Him meant Lupin.
I had no excuse though, no essay to ask for help on and I wasn't in any trouble or anything.
I just wanted to speak to him.
I liked talking to him.

He was a breath of fresh air and it was nice, he didn't know me and it was refreshing.
I thought of all the possible things I could ask him and I had settled on an answer, but it was crazy.

I couldn't ask him that.
What was the harm in it though?
Once lesson had finished I stayed sat and Draco nudged my side.

"I need to ask him something, I'll see you."

"What do you need to ask him?"

"What is this? 21 questions? Go, I'm coming."
He rolled his eyes and left.

The classroom was empty and he turned to see me still sat there, a confused expression on his face.

"Miss Avery?" He said cocking an eyebrow up in confusion.
I forced myself not to smile at him, at how cute he looked all confused.

"Can I tell you a secret Sir?"


"You can't tell anyone though."

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