45- Breaking News

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Tomorrow came and when I woke, I must have broken a world record for how fast I had gotten dressed and out of Remus' house. I gave him a quick goodbye, rushing back home to Sirius, where just as Remus had said, was fast asleep on the sofa.

I let out a sigh of relief and headed straight to the bathroom to shower where Harry was stood.

"Where'd you go last night?"

"Why Potter? Didn't know we had to exchange sex stories."

He pulled a face of disgust and I smiled at his obvious discomfort, enjoying the fact that I could so easily wind him up.

"Merlin. You're nauseating."

"That I am. Ginny not put out? Is that why you're in a particularly sour mood?"

"I'm not in a sour mood."

"Sure seems like it."

"Well I'm not."

"Okay then..."

He squinted at me and I mirrored him, until he finally left me to it. When I got out, I got ready as quick as I could and flew out of the house, doing anything to avoid Remus and Sirius.
Unfortunately I ran into him at the shops anyway. I dropped the chocolate frogs I was holding and turned the other way, but he saw me anyway, I was too late.

He ran up to me and grabbed my arm.

"I've been to Sirius' three times. Three whole times. Why are you avoiding me?"

"What? What are you talking about? I'm not avoiding you."

"Your voice is going all high pitched."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

I tried shrugging him off me and he looked down at my trolley, chanting a quick 'wingardium leviosa' so that his items floated next to us, leaving both of his hands free.
One was still on my arm, the other found its way on my waist, pulling me slightly to I was nearer to him.

"We are telling him tonight."

"No we are not."

"Yes we are."

He let go off me and looked at my trolley, amused and I narrowed my eyes.


"What? What now?"

"You really need that much firewhiskey?"

"It's for Sirius too, don't worry."

"Right. Come on. We're going."

"No!! I've got to.. got to finish the.. got to finish my shop ya know.."

"You can finish it later. We are telling him, come on. I thought you weren't a pussy."

"Did you.. did Remus Lupin just call me a pussy? Merlin Remus, that doesn't even sound right coming out of your mouth."

"Well are you.. are you one?"

"Good tactic, s'not gonna work." I said turning my back to him to walk off.

He followed after me, his stuff following him in the air before finding their way into my trolley.

"Why don't you want to tell him?"

"Because I like him! I like him now, we're friends, I don't wanna ruin it, I care about what he thinks now. What if he hates me?"

"He won't hate you, he won't even care. Trust me, I know him."

"Okay fine we'll tell him, but not today."

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