40- Snatchers

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It had been a little over a week that I had stayed with Kieran lot. After the whole Callum situation, I was careful. A whole lot more careful than I had been.

I was cautious. I wasn't used to racism in the Wizarding World.

I was an Avery.
A respectable rich pureblood.
No one would dare to have called me a raghead. But here they did.
Muggles were clueless. They didn't know the power I had, to them I was just one of them.

"You don't have to go love." Charlie said kindly and I could tell that it was sincere but I couldn't stay there any longer.

"I don't wanna overstay my welcome." I said giving him a smile.

"We don't mind honestly, we really don't." Riley said joining in.

"What!!! Where are you going!!" Kieran said suddenly walking in the living room, the cigarette hanging out of his mouth, as he saw me stood there with my bag in hand.

"On the move." I said sarcastically and he walked over to me, a hurt look in his eyes.

"No, I've become accustomed to your mardy ways now." He said seriously shaking his head and I chuckled.

You're alright I suppose.
For a muggle.

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

He shook his head and grabbed my hand playfully.

"No come on. What is it? You don't like us anymore? We not good hosts?"

"No it's not that, you've been great, perfect actually, I didn't think I'd ever say I'd have fun with a m..."

"With a what?"

"A ginger." I said teasingly and he grinned, his hand still on mine.

"Is it because of Callum? What happened last week? We've fucked him off, he isn't coming back here again."

I quickly shook my head.

"No no, it's not that."

I don't belong here.

"Is it because of what he said? I call everyone a fairy, I say it as a joke. I'm a fairy in that case then too, I don't... I'm not homophobic." He said quickly explaining himself and I smiled.

"You're a fairy?"

"Well.. no, but who knows.. could be one of these days." He said cheekily and I rolled my eyes.

"It's nothing to do with you, honestly."

"So then stay."

I shook my head and he wrapped his arms around me suddenly, cradling the back of my head with his hand. The action was sudden, so sudden I stumbled back and I let out a small laugh.

"Bloody hell, calm down." I said chuckling over his shoulder as he bent down.

"Don't go. I've grown to like you now. I don't do well with people.." He trailed off and I pulled back to look at him.

He looked vulnerable then, like I'd never seen before and I felt a weird feeling. Like something pulling at my heartstrings.

"You don't do well with people what?"

He looked away and rubbed his jaw slightly.
I looked up, with expectant eyes and he finally looked at me and sighed.


Oh fucks sake.
Don't feel guilty. Don't you dare feel guilty.
Remember who you are. Come on.

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