23- Crucio

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A few days had passed since I went to Lupin's office and he was normal again in lessons.
I didn't have a chance or rather an excuse to speak to him again though, not outside of class.
I didn't want to purposely get myself in trouble and I didn't feel like lying to get him to help me with something. It would make it too obvious that I was crushing on him and I didn't want him to know that I was. Especially if he wasn't feeling the same way. It'd just be embarrassing.
After the whole blanket incident it was best that I limited contact with him, otherwise he'd think I was a freak or something.

Besides, I only had a few days left at Hogwarts before we went home for the Easter holidays, so it wasn't too bad. I didn't have to avoid him for long.

The last few days before we broke up were always chill. The work we had wasn't anything too hard and lessons were just usually the professors giving out homework that we needed to do over the half term.

"Come with me."

"What is it Pansy? I'm not in the mood."
"Stop being annoying just come."

"Fuck off I'm not in the mood to hex you, I'm calm today."

"I wanna show you something."

"What a new hex?"

"No. Look. It's funny."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to her and we started walking to the Slytherin common room.
We walked in and Crabbe and Goyle were both dressed in some weird fucking muggle wear.
They looked like they were wearing a fucking bin bag and they were using their wands as a microphone, like a duo.
They were trying to rap.
I burst out laughing and Pansy laughed next to me.

"What the actual fuck is this?" I asked turning to look at her and she laughed with me.

"I dunno, they've lost their head."

They both carried on rapping and Theo and Draco were both slouching on the sofa, man-spreading snickering, pointing and making fun of them.

"Oi oi!!!!! Go on lads!!! Give it your all!!"

Someone shouted and we all turned to see Adrian shouting and causing a ruckus, just generally being a twat, egging them on.

They both carried on and we all laughed at them. They were idiots but they were entertaining to say the least. We stopped when we realised we had lesson in the next five minutes and we all started walking to Lupin's classroom. On the way there they carried on being twats, making us laugh and Crabbe grabbed my wand from my hand to use it as a microphone.

"Oi give it here you fat shit." I said laughing and he ignored me and carried on singing with Goyle. His hefty hands gripped it too tight and it snapped in half.


"Oi you fucking fat shit, why'd you fucking do that?" Pansy said and I turned to look at her.

"Why are you defending me?"

I was confused, she was being somewhat nice.
It was unnerving.
I was waiting for her to hex me.

"Piss off, don't get too excited." She snapped back, scowling at me.

There it was.

I ignored her and walked into the classroom, sitting down next to Draco. As lesson went on, we started doing spells, but I had no wand.

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