46- Camden

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October .

I had been staying over at Remus' almost every night.It was as if we lived together but he hadn't asked me, I think he was afraid I would say no, that we were moving too fast.

Staying over and actually living with someone were two different things though, so maybe he was right to think that.

Sirius had kept it quiet, Merlin knew how, the man had a mouth bigger than mine but things were still early and even though we weren't hiding anything, we didn't feel the need to broadcast it to everyone we knew.

But Harry started to grow suspicious and I thought it was best to just come out with it.

Ron and Hermione were over, Sirius was out.
It was just us four, catching up over some butter beer. The conversation of relationships had come up and I prepared myself.

"So..?" Hermione pressed and I sat back, trying to look as calm as possible.

I was planning on coming out with it nonchalantly. My theory was, if I made it a big deal, then people would make it a big deal.

"I'm seeing Remus."

Ron almost choked on his butter beer, so ungracefully that it was embarrassing to watch him recover.

Hermione sort of glared at him, but she couldn't hide her own shock, and Harry.. well.. Harry looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Bloody hell I didn't expect you to say that." Ron said finally, the first one to speak out of the three.

"Remus? As in.. as in.. Remus Lupin.. as in Professor.. Lupin." Hermione said slowly, mouth gaping and I nodded.

"Remus as in ex Professor yes."

They didn't say anything and I tried not to laugh.


"I sort of see it.. why you would be..I mean he is attractive." Hermione said quietly, we all looked at her and Ron's mouth dropped again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, his tone sort of offended.

"Nothing. It's nothing. I mean.. I just.. I mean it's not that far fetched.. plenty of girls had a crush on him." She explained.

"Well were you one of them?" He asked and she gasped.

"What!! No! Of course not!"

"Oh leave the poor girl alone Ron. It's not her fault he's attractive."

"How.. how is he attractive?"

"How isn't he? What exactly isn't attractive about him?"

"He's smart, he's kind, tall.. he's a good man with a good heart. How is that not attractive?" Hermione said and I sort of gave her a look.
I didn't mean to but it just sort of came out, it was the tiniest bit territorial even though I didn't want it to be.

"So.. Potter..?"

"Does this mean that you'll move out and live with him?"

That's.. that's just grand Harry.

"Well I mean, eventually, but I don't kn.."

"Brilliant." He said cutting me off, his grin so wide at the thought of me moving out that I scoffed.

"Right. Well. Anyone want a refill?"

Hours had passed and I went to see Remus.
It was weird. If anything happened, my natural instinct was to tell him. I'd want to seek him out to tell him all about it, I looked forward to see him. It was weird how fast I was getting attached.

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