20- Calculations

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Another week had passed and even though Lupin had let me off, I still had detention with Snape every day. The miserable git would not let it go. It was pissing me off that he was still doing it, the prank had happened ages ago.
Didn't he have a life?
Of course he didn't.

I was in a pissed off kind of mood thinking about how I had to once again go to detention instead of going to the Gryffindor common room party that Ron invited me to.
So when Draco was being his annoying usual self I snapped. We had a free and I made my way to the Great Hall to see Blaise.Draco was sat with him and they were both already talking when I sat next to them.

"I told her she was ridiculous if she thought she could speak to me like that. Fucking mudblood. Can you believe them? They move one step up in the Ministry and they think all of a sudden they rule the world."

"Do you ever just shut the fuck up Draco?"

"What's wrong with you now?"

"You. You're obsessed with them. The more I think about it, maybe you want to be a fucking mudblood. All you do is talk about them day and night."

Blaise snorted, not looking up from his essay he was writing.

"What's your problem? Grown a soft spot for them? Noah's dick too good that you forgot he's a mudblood too?"

"Fuck you Malfoy."

"No fuck you."

I turned to the side to face Blaise instead and he spilt my drink over my essay I had been put out on the table for Transfiguration.

"I swear to god you're gonna die. I'm gonna kill you."

"Not if I kill you first."

I got up and pulled my wand out, but he quickly grabbed my arm. He grabbed it with such force that the bracelet on my arm snapped and fell to the floor.

"Do you know how much that costs!! It's worth more than your house." I screamed.

"It's ugly."

I quickly grabbed his hand, ripping the ring off his finger and throwing it on the floor. Before he could reach down and get it, I pointed my wand to it.


"That was a family heirloom!!"

"Aw are you gonna run and cry to daddy?"

"Is this what rich people fight over?"

I turned to see Ron stood with Harry, both of them looking at us in disbelief. I looked back at Draco and he had pulled his wand out and was pointing it to me. He was pissed.


I quickly ducked and looked back at him in shock.

"Did you just try to slice me?"

"Yes I did and what?" He said raising his eyebrows and scrunching his nose as if to threaten me.


He looked down at the snake that was moving towards him and he lowered his wand out to get rid of it. Whilst he was distracted, I took the opportunity.

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