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Oh yeah...honestly is the best policy.

Serina POV

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Serina POV

I could register the coldness I felt as Lorenzo slipped out of bed, and the sound of the shower and him trying so terribly to be quiet as he got dressed.

The sun was barely even awake, and he had already started his day.

It's been like this for weeks now, turns out him being the practical king of the underworld wasn't just hot cameos on him sitting on a thrown made of bones.

He got up most mornings before I even could realize he left. Some days I'd go with him, but that was only if he chose to wake me up.

But as always, I felt his hand brush my cheek—his kiss plant so carefully on my forehead.

But then, he was gone. And I was alone in our big beautiful house.

By the time I woke up, the sun was blinding me, the beautiful white bed sheets tucked around me like a little cocoon as I laid partially naked from the night before.

His touch still registering on my skin, and the tingle between my thighs making me miss him that much more

I hummed nonsense to myself, as I reached for my phone which was filled with texts from my Lorenzo.
I was usually awake a lot earlier, so me not answering him must have made him worried.

He always worries so much about me.

The ringer going off, as I pressed the dial symbol right beside his name, and he answered almost immediately.

"It's almost noon, did you just wake up?" I could practically see the smirk on his face as his voice echoed through the speaker.

His voice was husky and strained, like he wished he was here beside me in bed, instead of in front of his desk.

"Do not shame me." I said into the phone as I laid it beside my head on the mattress. "You should have woken me up, I would have came with you." I told him, as I stretched out again the sheets like a feline.

"No, I wanted you to be rested for tonight." He said, with such a sly tone that I could already feel my panties get pet.

That is, if I were wearing any.

"Mmmm don't tease." I whispered, as I turned onto my back and pushed the covers away.

"I am not teasing you sparrow, that is truly the reason." He chuckled, what a sex addict.

"You know what Lorenzo? fine. I will suck your dick when you get home." I said into the phone, and I could practically hear him groan from the other end.

Yes, victory is mine!

"Serina." He warned, as he knew he was kilometres away from me.

"I'm still naked...." I whispered into the speaker, as I spread my legs apart, bringing my knees halfway to my chest. "...From last night when you fucked me." I purred into the phone, as I dragged my hand down my body slowly.

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