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You'd better run, better run, out run my gun

I didn't know whether Rosario was dead or alive, all I heard was a groan of pain and all I could see were Lorenzo's eyes as they tortured me, the rage and amusement that lit up his face as I stared at him in horror

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I didn't know whether Rosario was dead or alive, all I heard was a groan of pain and all I could see were Lorenzo's eyes as they tortured me, the rage and amusement that lit up his face as I stared at him in horror.

But that was all a blur as my feet carried me so fast away that I didn't even know that I was moving. My vision was hazy and that pain in my chest from before—it now felt as if Someone was ripping at my organs.

I'd never felt this way before, I felt bile rise and my heart burn. It was beating so fast that I heard it, I heard it like it was echoing around me. Mocking me.

I didn't know if Rosario was dead, and I heard voices call after me as I got into the elevator so fast no one could stop me. The doors closing as I saw two people race after me.

This time I pressed no other button except the first floor.

Something dark was weighing in my chest, and I was choking as If I couldn't breath. I needed to get out of here.

What everyone says about Lorenzo maybe it's true, I thought there was some sort of good in him everything has good in it. Everything.

But not Lorenzo. All that lives in his eyes and in him is rage, jealousy and the sick need to watch others suffer. He wants power and that was it, he wants as much as he can get like it was the only thing that kept him sane.

But all the power he has—if anything it's not making him more sane, no sane persons eyes look the way his did.

I am foolish to believe that I could change him, everyone is right to fear him. Lorenzo is evil just like the said. He was selfish, cruel and manipulative. I hated myself at the fact that I had spent my nights thinking about him, touching myself to him.

I knew now that whatever pleasure he could have brought me, the pain he would have caused would have outweighed it.
Maybe He was a monster just like everyone said.

The ding of the door opened, and I was not surprised to see 3 of his men waiting for me at the bottom, they enclosed me almost as If I was an escaped animal needed to be put back into its cage.

But if I go back up there, Then they will have to catch and drag me. I was mad, reckless and wanting to get out. Nothing is stopping me

I had no idea where the adrenaline cane from, maybe from the will to escape or the guilt that pooled In my veins like lava.

I needed to be as far away from this god awful place as possible. I needed to get away even though I was going to miss the few friends I had made here. But a part of me knew that no matter how far I ran—Lorenzo could still find me.

I should have stayed in my room that night, I should have listened to Lucas when he said to stay upstairs. He came into my room before hand and told me to stay and I should have listened.

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