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when is a monster not a monster?
Oh, when you love it.

Aloud thud from inside the room made me shoot up in the satin sheets, my hand instinctively reaching out for Lorenzo who had laid sleeping beside me—but he wasn't there

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Aloud thud from inside the room made me shoot up in the satin sheets, my hand instinctively reaching out for Lorenzo who had laid sleeping beside me—but he wasn't there.

My stretched out arm feeling around before constricting itself back close to my chest as a another loud sound echoed through the room like a sirens wail.

It started taunting me, like whatever it was knew it was frightening. I moved up and called out "Lorenzo?" My voice didn't even sound like my own.

But I knew it wasn't him. I knew the second a voice called out to me. "Sleeping next to the man who killed your own brother are we? He'll end you too if you give him the chance." The voice said

No. No that's not possible, he's dead. I watched him die.

"L-Lucas?" I said as I slid off the bed without haste and looked for the switch, flicking it on only for a scream to echo from my lips.

He stood a foot from me, starring at me—his face drenched in blood, and a hole in the middle of his once sinisterly perfect forehead. His hair a shagged mess. "I've missed you Serina." He smiled, oh how evil it looks, his face distorted in a way that gave me chills.

In his hand he held a knife—bloody and jagged.

"I-I haven't missed you." I said as he steeped towards me, my legs hitting the edge of the tall bed.

I didn't miss him, I didn't miss him at all—not after the things he has done.

"You know I love you, everything I did was for you." He said as he raise the knife. Lucas never told me he loved me, though he always said that everything he did was for me. Everything.

"Lucas!" I said just as he plunged the dagger deep into my chest. I couldn't breath, I couldn't move I just watched myself die. Watched myself scream.

I felt like hands were burning my skin, shaking me, scratching at my throat. I heard my name, and I opened my eyes—shooting up my body a cold sweat, my hands shaking and coughs of desperation filling the space where my voice should have been.
"Serina?" Lorenzo said as he looked at me with heated concern. His arms gripping my shoulders as he held me to him, his hand moving to my forehead as he wipes my hair out of my eyes. "Talk to me." He said his eyes dark as I watched him.

"I-" I said as I blinked. I had gone mad. "Lucas he..." killed me. I wanted to say that, but that was crazy. Simply crazy.

"Lucas is dead." Lorenzo said as he watched me carefully. "You are safe with me sparrow."

Safe? I will never be safe.

"He stabbed me." I said as I reached for my chest, my top of course lacking the red sticky blood from a stab wound.

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