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I might be angry, but I still fucking love you.

Serinas POV

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Serinas POV

It was cold. The room, it was cold.

My vision was blurred as I opened them to the light. Watched as a suns beam shown through closed drapes. But no matter how much sun poured in the room still felt cold.

I was alive?

Picking my hand up I brought it to my gaze, looking at my fingers dance. My chest lightened in a way, though pain still pinched at it.

I crashed the car. I killed Satan.

My eyes opened to a empty room, only the bed, a few machines and a mirror. Oh and Marco standing like bad news in the corner.

My head felt light, and my eyes were still a little blurry.

My lips were chapped, and my throat felt dry.

I don't remember much, but I remember Lorenzo in the car, and the shocks that lit up my chest. "Marco?" I said with a voice that barely reached a whisper.

Lorenzo. He wasn't here. Why wasn't he here

My body feeling heavy on the hard mattress. Using my elbows I pushed myself up. Though it hurt, I didn't really care.

Marco looked at me, though he didn't say a word as he walked up to me and held out the locket I had clutched to my chest before everything went black.

I shook my head as I looked at it, then to him. "What is happening." I asked, but by the fact that the room was empty all but for us—I already knew.

"I am so sorry Serina." He said as he swallowed. "He may be self destructing but he gave his orders, there's nothing I can do." His words confirmed my thoughts.


"What are you talking about. Where is Lorenzo?" I said feeling both anger and sadness cloud me.

What does he mean self destructing?

He licked his bottom lip as he looked away for just a moment. "He is trying to keep you safe the only way he knows how. He think to protect you, you need to be away from him. He said it's what has to be done." He said once he looked my way again, only now any and all emotion in his voice was strictly business.

I shook my head as tears weld up in my eyes.

"A car is here, it will transport you to whichever city you desire. A house will be provided and you will be taken care of—"he didn't even finish his words, or maybe he did. But I couldn't hear him.

His voice turned to silence, and a ringing in my head turned all sounds to a blank nothingness.

He's letting me go. Lorenzo is leaving.

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