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I hope you know love, I don't share. and that includs you. Specifically you.

 Specifically you

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Serina POV

Before Marco could register a single thing I watched Lorenzo walk up to us with tight restraint. His breathing heavy and tight.

Lorenzo looked so jealous, so territorial, as he stormed up to us.

He looked as sinister as he had so many evil nights before. And the fact that he was wearing a blackened suit stained with death, and his knuckles cracked open by force—he looks even more menacing than usual.

His hand grabbed Marcos's shoulder and pulled him back, yanking his body, and hands off me.

The magnitude of this tug, practically throwing him into a drawer; making a glass vase fall to the floor and shatter.

Lorenzo moved in front of me, like a lion protecting his kill.

"What the fuck Marco?" Lorenzo yelled furiously, as he balled his hands into fists. His body tightening.

"Oh calm down." He staggered, as he pushed himself up, stepping all over the broken glass.

My body moving forward, I wrapped my arm around Lorenzo's. His gaze falling to me I could tell he was pissed, but I couldn't decipher whether or not it was at me.

Lorenzo was pretty much shaking with rage, and I could see the anger in his eyes.

His most trusted friend, putting moves on his...well I guess I wasn't quite sure what exactly I am to him.

Oh god, what If Marco had kissed me?

"You were about to fucking kiss her Marco," Lorenzo yelled as he gestured his hand up, and he made an attempt to move forward. But I tugged on his arm, stopping him.

And for that, he glared down at me.

I waited for Marco to deny the accusation, deny the fact that he had wanted to kiss me, but he didn't. He stood there, silently.

He wanted to kiss me, despite him knowing my love for his best friend and his boss.

"What's going on, I heard yelling?" A voice soon echoed around the room, and I shot my head to the door.

"Rosario?" I asked baffled and shocked.

My eyes trailing down his face, I smiled lowly. It was him.

He still looked just as smug and flirty as he did the last time I saw him. Except well, minus the bullet wound.

"In the fucking flesh." Rosario saluted me with a winning smile.

But I could practically smell the dominance and rage seeping of Lorenzo, and I heard an angered growl come from his throat as he ripped his hand free of my grip and moved it so it encircled my waist.

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