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I call her the devil cause she makes me wanna sin and every time she knocks I can't help but let her in

I call her the devil cause she makes me wanna sin and every time she knocks I can't help but let her in

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Lorenzo POV

Water trickled down my back smoothly, as I watched her; still fast asleep in my bed. I left the bathroom door open, so She'd know where I was if not because of the sound of the shower.

Her one leg was up higher then the other, while her thumb brushed her bottom lip. Her eyes fluttering ever so slightly as she slept, the golden yellow light pouring in through the windows onto her bare back.

Her hair was an absolute mess, and I laughed as I watched her twitch ever so slightly.

Turning away I face the stream of water, washing the soap away from my body. I heard the sound of the bed creaking, but I didn't say a word.

She was going to try to sneak up on me, and I smiled and looked down before I turned. Just as she stood on the other side, a tired smile on her face.

"What are you doing up so early?" She yawned, by the look in her eyes I saw how tired she was. Yet the hickeys that covered her body told the tails of why.

5:48 Am, and we only finally slept at 4. We'd been busy before that.

I drifted my eyes down, as I watched her body carefully. Just as she smiled and opened the door.

"Marco called me." I said as I grabbed her hand and brought her close to me. "Said it's urgent."

I watched her roll her eyes and I sighed. "Don't be angry with him sparrow." I said, yet she'd be mad at anyone whenever she wanted. "He missed you."

"He yelled at me." She pouted. "If he wants to be my friend again then I want him to fucking apologize."

I sighed and tilted my head back, as she pushed past me and picked up the soap. Before I watched as she washed her hair and conditioned it.

I didn't say anything as I watched her, as she rinsed out the soaps. Her hands speaking body wash over her skin. A sigh of wanted pleasure coming from her lips. "Are you going to just stand there?" She smiled, as she didn't bother to look back at me.

"Yes." I smirked, as I opened the shower door and stepped out.

"No sex for you tonight." I heard her say softly with a smile, as I watched her revel in the warmth of the water.

"I have to go, I don't have a choice." I said as I dried my hair, trying my best not to get distracted by her wet naked body that was just meters away from me.

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