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I guess I kinda like the way
you numbed all the pain

I woke up laying flat on a beige coloured chair, my left wrist shackled to the seat

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I woke up laying flat on a beige coloured chair, my left wrist shackled to the seat. My head spun as I sat up, right as the pilot called for our decent.

Kingston had his eyes on me, watching me closely again. Satan was no where to be see.

"You drugged me." I growled as I sat up, as placed my free hand on my forehead as it pounded sharply.

He only sat forward and ran his hand over his mouth "I'm a curious so I want to know something." He said coldly, disregarding what I had accused him of completely.

"Why is it that you are in a perfect state? Given clothes and hygiene products? If you were really Lorenzo's prisoner you would be close to death by now." He said, but it looked like he already knew the answer.

But I had a feeling there was a reason Lorenzo didn't want anyone to know that we are or well used to be 'together'. "He didn't want to damage his ransom, I'd be worth less if I was dead." I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Right." He smirked as he stared at me.

"Any other questions you wanna ask or are you just going to look at me like a pervert." I said

His eyes glassed over In a way, as he stood from the chair and walked over in front of me as I laid trapped into my back. He looked down at me for a few moments, as the plane began to drop from the sky.

"Грешник почти всегда становился на колени перед богом, который дал ангела" (The sinner almost always knelt before the god who gave the angel.) he said in Russian as he came to kneel before me. "You love him, don't you," Kingston said as he moved his hand to grab my chin hard, but not hostility.

What did he say. What did he know.

I stared at him in silence, the gaze in my eyes hard as a shatterless sword. He looked at me and chuckled at my lack of words. I saw wheels in his head turn, and he closed his eyes briefly before he looked around.

He was being cautious, why?

"I suggest you keep whatever romance you have with him to yourself." He said as he stared me down.

"We don't-"I stuttered, but I could lie all I want—he knew. "Does Satan know." I sighed. This was it, I'm done for. If everyone knows that I am Lorenzo's...

"No. And it will stay that way." Kingston said sharply. He grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve, as he looked In my eyes for a moment before he hit me-hard.

"Owe that fucking hurt-." He yelled but he placed a hand over my mouth. Biting that hand he pulled away and groaned slightly while shaking his hand out.

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