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I put my dick in a bag of Doritos

I put my dick in a bag of Doritos

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Serinaaaa** POV

"I have never been on a plane before." I said nervously as I stood outside on the grey cement pad, the massive private jet made my stomach twirl.

How do these things even stay in the sky? Wind power?

Lorenzo was on the phone beside me talking to someone furiously on the other end, he had been arguing since this morning on the phone.
I even heard my name slip into his conversation briefly. He had looked to me after he said it, but I pretended I didn't hear it. Oh but Serina did.

I waited for him to react to what I had said, and he did quickly "I don't care." He turned away from me, talking into the phone the constant words "deal" and "not yet." Whatever that was for he sounded really mad saying it

I felt bored and mad so I took one step behind him so he couldn't see me and gave him the finger multiple times. When he looked back at me I looked away like I was admiring the rain emptied grey clouds.

I saw a couple of his men snicker lowly at my action and It caused me to laugh as well. Whenever others laughed I just couldn't help myself.

"You really are infuriating." Lorenzo growled as he hung up the phone, watching as I was giggling. His eyes studying mine, and the men around as they smiled lowly.

He shook his head and pointed towards the plane. "Go. I will be right there."

My smile faded, as I looked towards the white plane for a few seconds before I turned my eyes back to him. "No way am I getting on that death trap alone, because this might just be a plot of yours to ship me off to some deserted island where I will be eaten by crabs and be forced to eat coconuts."

I fucking hate coconuts

"If I wanted to have you killed I would have done it already."

"Wow how reassuring." I snarked, but a part of me felt indescribably fearful. He has hurt me before, and no matter how I look at him now—I know with one slight movement he could do it again.

He ran his hand through his hair furiously, his murderous hand. Sometimes I forget how dangerous his hands are.

"Fine. Just get on the damn plane." He said as he walked towards the white flying machine. His dark serial killer trench coat flowing behind him as he walked on the rainy wet ground.

I looked up as I took a breath following him.

"Where are we going?" I ask hating how frightened my voice sounded as I walk to the four stairs that led inside, that's all it would take to get on the plane. Four steps.

I'd never been on a plane before.

He was at the top of the steps. insides. He noticed my weariness "Are you serious." He grumbled as he looked back at me.

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