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Serina POV

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Serina POV

I don't ever remember getting up off the floor, and I doubt I could have gotten up by myself anyways. I woke up in a bedroom, walls painted grey with accents of the finest gold treasures—a portrait of the one and only Satan hung up on the wall with way too much self-love.

The scratchy expensive sheets rubbed at my skin and I winced The bed smells like him. It smelt like men's piss cologne and blood, and on the sheets laid dried up white stains I knew weren't glue. "Ew the fuck." I grunted as I pushed the hair out of my eyes, wincing as I hit a bruise.

I tried to push myself up on my elbows but fell back in agony at the pain that erupted in my wrist.

Bringing my hand to my view groggily I looked at a thin wrap, placed delicately and tightly around my most likely fractured wrist.

My body shook with pain, yet I still drew back the blankets and threw my legs over the side.

a small yap leaving my mouth as I noticed Satan sitting in a fine chair in the corner of the room.

"what the fuck are you doing?" I growled as I clutched my wrist against my chest as I stood on shaky legs, my body practically screaming at me to sit back down. Though he never said a word, but only stared at the fabric encasing my forearm.

"who the fuck gave you that?" he growled as he stood up and took a few steps towards me, angrily like he truly had no clue who'd given it to me. He was a madman, a sadist and a merciless killer; I knew he would never have given it to me.

Still, I said "I thought you did Satan. Since you know, you caused it." my answer was dry and quick, no ounce of any emotion I stared at him blankly. I watched his eyes narrow as he walked up to me and grabbed my wrist from my chest, squeezing it hard enough for me to squeak slightly.

Oh, one day I am going to kill him.

"I didnt ask your thought about who gave it to you," he growled as he forced me to my knees in front of him. "I asked who did," he grunted angrily.

"I don't know who gave it to me, I was sleeping," I said in a low voice, but in my head, every curse word in my vocabulary was shooting towards him. Satans eyes glared at me in suspicion for a few seconds before he dropped me to the floor.

He stared down at me for a few moments before he said "the harder you resist the harder I'm going to reprimand you Serina. And I have no problem fucking you in front of the whole damn household." his words beamed down like a gun to my head.

"Wow what a weird thing to say. Are you into Agoraphilia? Is that it?" I laughed slightly as I rolled over in order to look up at him.

His face grew angry and with his fists and jaw clenched he kicked me in the side. Winding me and stealing my breath I grab my side and cough desperately for air. "Careful you might damage my baby-making machine." I laughed and coughed so hard I couldn't breathe, which obviously didnt make Satan very happy as he left quickly and slammed the door closed which shook the whole room.

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