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DONT DRINK AND DRIVE. Or I will beat you.

 Or I will beat you

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Bianca POV

Find Lorenzo DeLuca and Marco Kane. That's what she said, find Lorenzo and he'll keep you safe. Sure no problem, find and speak to only one of the craziest and murderous man alive and his pet dog Marco.

But finding him was a lot harder then I think Serina thought it would be; he was a hard man to find, Lorenzo DeLuca didn't want to be found and that was clear. I've heard their names before, mentioned by Thomas in a passing conversation I didn't care to Listen to.

But I should have listened. If only I knew. It's been three months since she gave herself for me, with no other reason other than because she could. No one has every shown me mercy like that, no one. She didn't even know me and she saved my life.

"I need to find Lorenzo—Lorenzo DeLuca, and somebody told me that you knew where I could find him." I said to a man who sat drinking, his shirt hung open revealing the many tattoos on his chest, his hair a messy brown and his jawline chiseled and his face structured. He didnt bat an eye as he watched me sit down.

The bar was full of men, and many looked at me as I sat down almost like I disrespected the place by doing so. I was one of three woman inside, and my entire body shook with fear—but I was so close, I couldn't stop now.

But Every person That I have talked to hasn't been very friendly, and didn't have much to say to me—I've even got roughed around by a man for even mentioning Lorenzo's name.

But Serina; for whatever reason gave me freedom, and I knew that without her I would have died there. I owe her my life, and now I will do everything I can to save hers.

"That name isn't to be spoken lightly little girl." He said as he turned my way, he was an unfriendly no doubt. I flinched slightly and I knew he could tell I was scared.

When I was with Thomas he only had me beaten if I stood up to him, so I never did, but out in the real world the people here weren't as taken with me as Thomas was.

I knew it was a risk, so openly searching for Lorenzo—if Thomas found out he'd kill me that day, so I use a fake name and bleached my hair a auburn red using gas station die.

"It's important, he'll want to hear what I have to say." I said as I looked at him dead eyed. I hadn't looked into a man's eyes in this way for years.

His light brown eyes narrowed and he glared at me.
"It's always important with druggies like you." He said as I noticed the gun that he aimed at me under the table. No one at the bar seemed to care, but this place didn't bat an eye to violence.

Mafia dens weren't places where violence was discouraged. But I knew the risks.

"I suggest you get lost, and keep his name out of your mouth. Or I'll show you how easy it is for my gun to give you a third eye."He growled as he tilted his gun and motioned for me to 'get lost.'

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