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"Don't push me away, and I won't run."

Lorenzo kept the gun up, the deadly metal resting so tightly in his grip, but the man didn't show any fear

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Lorenzo kept the gun up, the deadly metal resting so tightly in his grip, but the man didn't show any fear.
Whether that was a facade or not, I wasn't exactly sure.

If I was anyone other then me, Lorenzos beautiful amazing wife, I'd be shitting my panties to see Lorenzos gun pointed at me. But I wasn't scared of Lorenzo.

Lorenzo squeezed the trigger, not hard enough to shoot out a bullet but enough to imply how much he wanted to.

The man eyed me over, as I did to him. His eyes bending on whether or not to speak, to admit.

"He was my boyfriend." He finally said, eyes moving away for a moment, his fists clenching at the reminder that Kingston was dead.

Shot dead.

His death flashing like a motion picture in my mind. How his eyes stared up at me, and his blood collected in a pool beside him, as it reached to stain my dress. How Satan laughed as he watched me struggle to help him.

"Your boyfriend?" I asked, despite being lost in my own head only seconds ago, as I placed a hand on Lorenzo forearm and forced Him to lower the gun. He hesitated, but did so, keeping the metal at his waist.

He wouldn't be so easy to trust him. Lorenzo trusted no one.

"For almost 5 years. No one knew, it wasn't allowed. Thomas forbid it." He murmured as he played out his case. His eyes tensing at the thought of it.

"How do we know you are telling the truth." Marco growled as he stepped forward. "People will say anything to save their asses." He hissed, as he stared down the man who stood beside the dead.

The iron red smell leached around the room, as blood dripped onto the black marble floor.

"Shush." I whispered, and Marco huffed angrily but did, of course with a roll of his eyes and a stern disapproval of my antics.

"Marco Is right my love." Lorenzo however whispered lowly down to me, as he brushed up my arm. "We have to be cautious ." Lorenzo continued as he flipped the safety of the gun on and off a couple times. Waiting patiently for the man to mess up.

"I know." I sighed. "Do you have any proof of what you say?" I then asked, as my eyes moved down to the photo of me and Satan on the desk and my body shook slightly.

"I know he gave you that locket." The man then spoke, and my hand went to the metal that hung around my neck. "I know what's inside it. He wore it everywhere, except it was a picture of you and your mom in it before—when you were a baby." He said. "Before..." he continued, but stopped himself.

"What's your name." Rosario then said, as he stepped forward and eyed the men, their eyes meeting for a few brisk seconds.

Rosario's clashing with his.

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