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I could have ever single fucking inch of your body pressed tight against mine and i'd still say "pull me closer."

Watch out for sex

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Watch out for sex. And gifs of sex. But like if you don't wanna watch out, then don't, and please continue with reading the smut I wrote while hiding in the bathroom at the mall.

Serina POV

"What did you say to him?" Lorenzo said as he stood with his back facing me, his hands resting on the counter with the sink in between them.

A bloody rag in his hand, used to wipe the blood from the cuts on his cheek and jaw. His face, now slowly bruising and growing dark.

"Who?" I asked in oblivion as I walked over to the shower, and turned it on, sticking my hand to test the temperature, and a little dried blood washed off and slipped down the drain. He scoffed, noticing my attempt to ignore the question.

Satan's blood.

I shook out my head before wiping the wetness of my hands onto the fabric of my dress.

"To Satan, as he died. You said something to him." He stood a little straighter as he threw the rag into the sink, and turned to me.

His face now cleaned of most of the blood, yet he had three blackened bruises and two small gashes caused by sharp rings ripping at his skin.

Eyes angered as he stared at the broken skin on my lip as well, and the bruise that surrounded it. His eyes too replaying the moment, when my lips had kissed Satan's and Satan's hands dragged over me lustfully.

I straightened my back as my hands wrapped around  myself and I hugged my own waist. "It's not important." I murmured, as I took a couple steps towards him to get a better look at his face.

But it was important, I had to say it, had to have Satan hear it and those few words I had said—felt like silk as I whispered then into the hateful and now dead man's ear.

My hand reaching up, I swipe my hand along his damaged skin, brushing my thumb over one of the bruises. "I—" I began, as I looked down at my feet for a second. "I was terrified that I would lose you again." I told him finally.

His eyes hardening, he grabbed my hand and gently took it away. "You won't. Ever again."

"Are you sure your okay?"I asked him

"I'm fine Serina, you should go." He whispered as he walked past me, and I opened my mouth to say something but closed it and scoffed.

I shook my head and turned, and Just as I turned he reached behind his back and gripped his shirt—pulling it off and leaving his skin bare to my eyes.

His back, scarred and muscular faced me as he looked towards the shower.

No one but me.

I said nothing, as I walked up close behind him.

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