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Fight because you don't know how to die quietly.

Fight because you don't know how to die quietly

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Serina POV

Out of the seven billion people in the world my mother had to fuck him. I looked into his eyes and I didn't see the love a father, because I wasn't his child I was his chance.

"I am not marrying anyone." I said as kept my gaze firm on him, trying my best to ignore the dead man laying at my feet and his blood that had splattered onto my skin.

Thomas smiled as he took his hand out of his pocket—he coughed up blood? He was dying.
He smiled at me and stuck out his hand, motioning me to come to him.

I hesitated, knowing full well he had no problem with the idea of death to those provoke him: I got a man killed.

I stepped up to his unearned throne with my chin held higher then I think it has ever been.

Whatever happens, whatever I have to do—I will keep myself from shattering like the glass they so happily wish I was.

Thomas motioned for me to grab his hand, his cold and grey hand that looked like it wanted to be the thing that constricted my last breath. Satan watched me carefully, ready to kill me if I even made the wrong move around Thomas.

I crept my hand to my bastard of a father, knowing it was probably best for my survival to do what he asks.

I dont want to die here.

He grabbed it surprising light, and pulled me down to him, placing me on his lap I wanted I throw up.
"A father will always do what's best for their children. No matter how hard they resist what is good for them." He uttered however as his grip on my wrist tightened in warnings

He wants what is best for me? I now know that being as far as I fucking can away from him is what's best for me. Being near Lorenzo was what was best for me, but he doesn't want me like I want him.

Pulling my arm out of his grip, I pushed off him, and the men all around laughed as I fell to the floor in humiliation.

"You can do whatever you want with me, but I don't want to be your fucking puppet." I growled as I pushed my messy hair out of my face and looked up at him as I got off of the ground and sat onto my knees.

"Serina I am your father. You will show me respect." He growled as his eyes went cold, his fists clenched.

I knew right then that this was not going to be easy and I was as trapped as a...as a sparrow in a cage as Lorenzo had said.

I felt my lip quiver slightly as I stood, standing tall I Swallowed ever ounce of trepidation and said
"You may have screwed my mother but you are no father of mine, and you never will be." My words echoed the room in distaste, the guards who were watching me lowered their heads and stepped back.

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