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Keep the heels
Tear off that red dress
And set your teeth on
      Me in such a way
That I'll retaliate.

^^^^^^^^ This poem gave me fucking chills, and I don't know why. Enjoy the chapter lovers -Xoxo AbigalKnightly

Serina POV

Lorenzo's handheld me to him like a magnet on metal, his fingers pressing into my hip. His body was close.

Looking up at him, his gaze set forwards and he stance stiff. But I knew he was ready for anything, I don't think it is possible to scare this man. "Aren't people going to be suspicious—about all the bruises?" I whispered, as I looked at my arms grimacing at how many there actually were and just how they had got there.

Lorenzo being the stone cold bastard he was tho, didn't even look down at me to answer my question. But instead kept his gaze foreword like I didn't even say anything "No. The people here understand what's necessary to keep a woman in line."

Stopping in my tracks I scowl at him. "Are you fucking serious?". Women aren't supposed to be kept in line, and I definitely don't have the ability to sit still and pretty.

"Serina move."

Stepping up stairs, he practically dragged me to a set of doors. "No. Let me go." Pushing him off me I scowled at him, I think he let me push him away though. Like he wanted me to put up a fight. Because he wanted me to argue with him.

He was curious of what I'll do.

But Maybe this was my chance to run. To kick him in the balls, jump on a flight to Alaska and live in a cave for the rest of my life. "What are you going to do?." Lorenzo growled as he took a few steps to me catching my attention. "Are you going to run? Hide?"

"No. I was going to dig a hole in the floor and tunnel my way to safety." I said, as he kept getting closer. "You are such a-" I shoot back. But he stops me, taking yet another step closer to me. His hand moving to my hip, his one finger brushing the skin of my thigh. "a what Serina." He whispered lowly his anger pushing through in his husky words, as my mouth hung open from the contact of his skin.

How does he do this to me? Fuck him.

His eyes were hot. Like fire. Like a wildfire burning rapidly. Whenever he got close, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my lungs caught. My eyes felt like ice, and I knew his gaze was burning mine. But I couldn't look away, there was something about what dances hidden in his eyes that is so mesmerizing that I just can't look away.

When I didn't answer his question he shook his head and laughed lowly.

"You walk on a thin line Serina, one day you will slip-" His eyes studied mine, almost like he was trying to scare me. But it only half worked.
"-And no one will be there to catch you when you fall." He added, as he pushed off me, taking me with him as he continued down.

Biting my lip, chewing it between my teeth I whispered just loud enough for him to hear.
"Then I will catch myself." Because I always have, I didn't need anyone else to save me. And I never will.

We walked in silence after that, I didn't dare say anything else. And Lorenzo looked unreadable, his face like stone as people looked at us and whispered as he walked me into a casino.

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