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Taking up my headspace, sleeping in your brain
I swear this boy is deadly, he loves these silly games

I don't think either of us were in the right mindset to talk about what had happened over these past few months; or more accurately what we have done In the lost time the months provided

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I don't think either of us were in the right mindset to talk about what had happened over these past few months; or more accurately what we have done In the lost time the months provided.

I wasn't sure if we just didn't have the words or just weren't brave enough to actually say them.

I mean it was hard enough for me to look Lorenzo in the eyes—when I did I was reminded of all the promise I had broken, all the things I did in that hell hole.

No sooner after we left his torture room we were brought to a landing strip, the Russian sky was dark now, though it was lit up with huge spotlights to mark the trail.

My side still bled, and Lorenzo looked down at me every few seconds to make sure I was alright. 'There were Doctors on the plane' he reassured several times as his hold on me didn't decrease, not even for a second.

There were so many guards around that I felt like royalty. I counted nearly 100, all of them holding massive guns, and snipers placed 100's of meters away scanned the area for trouble.

We were both bloody, and Lorenzos people looked too eager to hand us their clothes in order to rid us of the metallic red stained garments.

His arms were cut, not badly, but bad enough that the blood spilt between our close bodies. He noticed my eyes, though he didn't acknowledge them.

Not when everyone was watching.

When we reached the stairs two ladies in white medical dresses came out to help me up, one blond and one brunette. They almost instinctively pulled me into a seat, moving the parts of the dress that was still intact away and cutting open the bandage so fast that I barley even noticed they did.

Lorenzo trickled In behind us, his silence chilling everyone in the room.

Though the ladies wasted no time In taking out what was resembling a needle and thread. My bleeding side their new project as they attempted to bring it close to me to rip out the old stitches and apply new ones.

Shooting my eyes to Lorenzo I push their hands away.

"You are going to have to shoot me with a horse tranquilizer before I let LalaLoopsy's and ms.home sewing kit stab me with that." I gesture to the rather big 'sewing' needle.

The ladies hushed and looked down. They thought Lorenzo might explode

"Would you rather bleed to death and die?" He said while looking down at his watch. Though I saw him wince at the thought, his mind replaying a memory.

I let out a breath as I leant back and let them work, as they injected my side with some numbing shit before they carefully and efficiently ripped out the old stitches. Now this part hurt, but I fucking knew this next part was going to fucking hurt like a Bitch.

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