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If you're leaving baby let me down slowly

If you're leaving baby let me down slowly

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Lorenzo POV

With the sun long gone from the sky, my headlights had lit up the tail of Satan's car.

Satan's wouldn't leave this alive.

Though I let My eyes meet Serinas, only for less then a moment before I watched her grab the wheel and turn it sharply.

The rain and mud turning the road into a slip in slide, I watched the tires of her car blow smoke as the car drifted.

I hit my breaks so hard so I wouldn't collide into a the front of Satan's car, and Instead I watched the car carrying my sparrow flip, pieces of her door and the windshields glass coming off as it tumbled towards the ledge. "Serina." I screamed as I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out, just as the car dropped out of view.

The rain soaked me, my clothing wet. My skin on fire.

The sounds of breaking trees, smashing glass and twisting metal echoed loudly in the dead of night.
Marco got out not a moment after, his breath frantic.
"Call someone, now." I said to him as I opened the back and lifted the hatch of my car. Pulling out a flashlight, I fumbled with it as I turned it on and tossed another to Marco.

I didn't wait for his response as I bolted towards the edge, the forest was silent and dark, until the sound of an explosion rocked the ground and birds flew out of trees. Sparrows flew out of the trees.

I jumped down and ran, feeling Marco behind me I moved through the path of shredded trees, pieces of shrapnel Metal and glass.

Bile rose in my throat, dread filled my veins, grief filled my heart.

I ran towards the sound I had heard, stopping at flat ground I turned, searching for the car frantically.

My chest heaved, my body shook. "Serina!" I screamed, feeling terror crawl through my bones.
"Serina!" I said as the white light of my flashlight broke the darkness.

"Over there!" Marco yelled as he had a phone pressed to his ear. Turning to see where he was looking I let the sight of a burning car fill my vision.

Dropping the light from my hand I sprinted towards it. Beads of sweat on my forehead, my suit torn from splintered branches.

I felt my heart practically stop, the muscle in my chest tightening so hard it made my head spin. My stomach twisted into knots, as I yelled her name again into the flame.

Another person I loved, killed by fire. Killed because of me.

My body shook as my eyes looked for her. And my body burning hotter then the hottest flames of hell when I saw a body through the darkness laying a couple meters away from me.

I ran quickly to the mound, only to find two lifeless figures—Satan covered in blood and dirt. Blood washed away by rain.

And Serina.

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