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I never wanted a quiet type of love. I wanted a type of love that devoured me. And in you I found it.

The dress made me look unrecognizable

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The dress made me look unrecognizable.

The white sparkling silk and satin making me look so pure. It clashed with my Ink hair that dropped down my back in lose curls, some pieces tied up with diamond crusted Bobby pins.

The dress wasn't too big as to swallow me, but enough to make me look like a fucking princess.
And I felt royal.

On my neck hung the necklace Kingston gave me. I wish I could have learned more from him, learned more about my family—well my family on my mother's side.

I felt like an angel. Which I knew I definitely wasn't.

I hadn't felt so virtuous in so long.

My heart pounded like a drum in my ears, matching the sound of my heels clicking on the floor.

It was funny that I was getting married in a church of all places.


I was half surprised I didn't burst into flames when I first walked in.

The church was fucking filled with people I'd either never fucking seen before or have seen briefly in passing.

Dressed up like sugar daddies and pimps, with woman hanging off their arms like candy.

Most of them clueless as to who were are, but maybe it was better that way.

The darkness isn't for everyone.

Both me and Lorenzo had no surviving blood born family, so it was closed off, but our chosen family stood by us.

My fathers men now knew about our engagement, and were undoubtedly hopping onto their broomsticks and flying dildos to come stop me.

But it didn't matter. I didn't care.

"Holy fuck." Rosario whistled as I walked down the hallway towards him. "Marry my ass instead damn." He joked, as he looked me up and down.

Rosario was my maid of honour. I tried to force him into a dress, he even insisted on wearing it at one point, but it didn't fit, so his white suit had to do.

He stood tall, nicely combed, holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh hush." I smiled as I walked up to him, a small smile on his face matching mine.

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