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Do you hear me screaming please don't leave me?

My eyes opened to the light of the bedroom, my hand shielding from the brightness

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My eyes opened to the light of the bedroom, my hand shielding from the brightness. "Marco?" I asked, as I finally had a chance to look at him. Standing at the edge of the bed, hands resting behind his back.

The clock on the wall reading 5:28 am.

My hand reaching out to find Lorenzo's side of the bed empty. No.

"Get up." Marco said coldly. So cold that it shocked me. The type of coldness I heard the first time I saw him, when he met me in the dungeons.

"What?" I said In confusion as I pushed the hair back and out of my face. My eyes adjusting I look at him, He was dressed in a suit, like normal, yet he didn't look like himself. The Marco I knew never would have acted like this.

"Get up, now." He growled, and I looked at him for a few moments before I pulled the covers back and stood. Lorenzo's shirt covering me, I took a step towards him.

"Is it Lorenzo? Is he okay?" I asked, my heart fearful.
But Lorenzo told me to trust him, and I do. He told me he wouldn't abandon me, and I believe him.

Marco laughed slightly as he stepped towards me. "He told me to get you." He faked a smile, but in his eyes I saw so many un-recognizable emotions.

Marco was different than Lorenzo in that way, I couldn't read Marco like I could Lorenzo.

Letting out a breath I nodded anyways, as he gestured me to follow him. And I followed, like a fool.

He clasped his hand around my forearm tightly, as he walked us down the hallway. My eyes shifting from him to the ground. "Marco, you're hurting me." I said as I tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me escape his grip.

"Marco!" I growled, anger laced in my voice.

But that's when I truly saw his intentions. He grew angry almost immediately as he just gripped harder. But he didn't look at me, he kept his eyes straight.
Almost like he was pretending I was anyone else.

"What are you doing?" I whispered as he pushed open the exit doors and forced me outside into the cool morning air, the base empty.

Not a single soul. Not a single person. No salvation.

Marco kept walking, his grip no doubtably going to cause bruises. "Marco where is everyone? Where is Lorenzo?" My voice was fearful now, something wasn't right.

Something was very wrong.

He groaned in annoyance as he pulled me forward and threw me on the ground, my hands catching me, I felt my now healing side burn. My hand going over it, as I groan lowly in pain.

I looked up at him with teary eyes, as the sharp stabbing pain subsided slightly. "What-" I went to speak, but his voice called out louder than mine ever could.

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