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I gave a warning at the beginning of the book for gruesome torture, but since this is wattpad and there are rules and blah blah blah I will give it again. There is torture and death in this chapter, so if this makes you uncomfortable then please skip. But also know that this is a more mature book and we are just getting started so if this makes you uncomfortable then I don't know what to say. But Please enjoy if you are gonna read this. Oh and happy late Halloween you little spookers
-xoxo AbigalKnightly



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Serina POV

Diablo didn't even look like himself, every feature of his body was...changed. His face was almost unrecognizable, scars and bloody stains littered his body. His head hung as he sat tied to the chair; unconscious. "Jesus Christ." I said as I looked at him, jumping slightly.

there was a metal tray next to him, all sorts of tools and weapons were on it—like they were waiting to be used. My mind flashed back to my kidnapping, how I was tied up, how I was beaten. How I was cut. How I was scarred.

I took a step back, only to bump into a chest. Lorenzo's hands quickly gripping onto my forearms as I stood with my spine pressed against his front. "what's wrong Serina, does a little blood frighten you?" He said as he mocked me, and my fears of doctors and their tools.

"How about you go fuck yourself." I whispered as I tried to back off him, but he just pulled me closer. His skin touching mine like he didn't know the goosebumps it caused.

"I could fuck my hand Serina; but I'm sure your pussy would feel so much better." He growled down into my ear. His hand sliding down my front slightly, my breath catching in my throat.

"Should I turn away?" A dry voice cracked, it was low and damaged. And I jumped as he spoke.

Lorenzo stood up firm and looked down at me,
"Go wait outside Serina." He growled, his eyes heating up. The blue and black specs in his eyes lighting up like hellfire.

"No." I said as I pushed him off me.

"Outside. You are not ready for this." He growled again only this time his words sounded more like a command. Like he was commanding me to do something.

I am not the type to be commanded.

His words made me open my mouth, not ready? Not ready? I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I stood to face him. "I watched you murder my brother. I was kept in your dungeon and beaten. I was kidnapped and tortured and almost sold off to old rapists. I watched you shoot Rosario after he kissed me. And this fucker—" I said as I pointed to Diablo. "—tried to kill me, so tell me that I'm not ready again—let's see what happens."

"I get why you like her." Diablos voice spoke as he lifted his head. "She's feisty."

Lorenzo again looked down at me, this time though his eyes had turned into the hellfire. Like they weren't even eyes, cause the beauty of his eyes was the darkness he uses to cascade the small specs of light. But his eyes now, they swirled with bad intentions and that same look they gave off when we first met.

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