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She doesn't have to choose between being gentle and fierce. Both exist in nature and both exist in her. That's ok. She'll know to nourish them both and when applicable, use each unapologetically.

Serina POV

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Serina POV

I tried so hard to sleep, to get any sort of escape from the reality of this world. To slip into a dream, a dream of anything.

A nightmare would even be better then talking to Lorenzo right now.

He thankfully didn't try me again, but I could feel his watchful glances my way every now and then. Almost as if he was checking to see if I was even still there.

I wanted to tell him to keep his eyes to himself, but for once I just didn't feel like talking. Talking to him would make me big mad, and having to look at him? I think I might just jump off this plane.

Speaking of planes. I hate this stupid plane, and the turbulence or whatever—I was this close to shitting myself. And it never ended.

I listened to a woman ask if Lorenzo wanted a drink, and I heard how flirtatious her smooth voice sounded. I peered my eye open ever so slightly, my eyelashes constricting my view.

She was blond, and beautiful. A nice ass but not that much in the chest department. But she didn't really need tits because she was a gorgeous woman. Her voice sounded even more. She looked innocent, and clueless. As she practically begged for some of Lorenzos attention.

I hated how every woman fell at his feet like he was some sort of sex god.

I pushed a breath out of my lips and closed my eyes shut, as I snuggled deeper into the seat and the big shirt. I hated how fucking comfy it was.

But I stayed listening to their conversation, and I wanted to roll my eyes as he asked for a scotch on the rocks, and it didn't surprise me. He was a basic bitch. But what did surprise me was when he also ordered tequila.

I stayed confused until I heard the clink of the glass drink get set down by me, and I opened one eye to peer down at the liquor In front of me. And it wasn't just a shot, it was a whole glass.

Oh so he is trying to get me drunk now? Great

Closing my one eye I grab the twisted drink, and took a big bad sip. "You drink that like water." I heard him say, he sounded less angered then he did before.

Maybe sitting to fester alone in silence made him less of an angered asshole.

I didn't answer him as I obnoxiously slurped the liquor. It burned my throat like I was swallowing poison, but I liked the way this poison made me feel.

"Serina-"he said, as he gripped onto the seat. Was I annoying him? Good.

I brought my eyes right to him staring at him so intensely that everything around me was irrelevant. I interrupted his words by slurping again, and I swear to god I saw his eye twitch in anger.

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