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Choke me daddy

Her nails dug deep into my skin, but I didn't dare recoil

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Her nails dug deep into my skin, but I didn't dare recoil. Her hands drawn around my neck as I thrusted deep inside her pussy.

Serina moaned loudly as she dragged her nails up my back. Digging claw marks that stung into my flesh.

She clasped herself around me in a way that made my fucking head spin.

I could fuck her a million times and it'd still feel like the first. I have never had sex as good as when it was with her.

I sat up in my chair, and I watched her, and listened to every sound she made.

Her perky tits bouncing ever time I thrusted up into her.

With Her thighs wrapped around me I stood, moving forward swiftly I placed her down on my desk.

Her naked body falling over papers and folders, but she was so desperate I don't think she noticed.

"HOLY GOD!" She screamed with her eyes as black as mine.

She called out gods name, but if he saw us now he'd curse ours.

"I like it better when you scream my name." I growled, as I pulled her into me, her eyes rolling into the back of her skull as I picked up the pace again.

"And just what should I call you?" She smiled disobediently, with breath so uneven and frail that she was almost breathless.

"You fucking know my name." I said as my desk under her began to shake and move with us.

I had so much fucking work to do, but she'd walked in here with nothing but my fucking shirt and I couldn't help myself.

Her seductive little ass knew how to tempt me.

"Sir? Cheif? Papa?." She hummed as she stretched her back along the desk, her hands gripping the edge of the wood just as she yelled "daddy."

She looked so innocent, but I could pretty much see the invisible devil horns on her head.

"Fuck you are gonna make me cum." I smiled greedily as I moved down and bit at her skin.

Her body was painted with bite marks and naughty little bruises already, but I'd be fucking happy to put 100 more.

"please." She begged. I don't really know what she was asking for, but to be fair I don't think she knew either.

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