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I loved him blind and he loved me reckless

The wind howled like it was laughing at me, its gust tossing my hair and icing my skin

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The wind howled like it was laughing at me, its gust tossing my hair and icing my skin. But to me, it didn't matter how cold the wind was; my skin felt too hot for me to notice. As I walked to the cluster of black SUVs parked meticulously on the paved drive I could feel his eyes watch me leave.

but what does he care anyhow, this was his plan all along wasn't it? This is how he wanted things to end...right?

Stopping for a mere moment I looked back, catching Lorenzo's eye as he stood surrounded by guards at the entrance of the doors, his hands folded behind his back, his face cold as stone. I quickly searched his face; but there was nothing, absolutely nothing.

Marco looked to Lorenzo in utter confusion, then to me with disbelief.

Lorenzo swiftly reached into his pocket, and lit a joint shortly between his teeth. His eyes straight on me as I was pulled towards fate.

"Keep walking." The man growled in warning, as he tugged on the chains and pushed me forward.

"Don't touch me." I snapped right back, as I pushed Lorenzo as far back in my mind as possible. I wasn't his anymore, I wasn't his problem now.

The man looked down at me and clenched his teeth, but I doubt he'd lay a hand on me here—he looked like he had a reputation to upkeep, and he looked like he had a mission; a mission he wasn't allowed to screw up or put at risk.

The man was tall, bulky...looked loyal, too loyal.

"Fucking bitch." He growled as he nodded for the doors of the head car to be opened.

My curious gaze falling back towards Lorenzo; or the place he was anyways. He was gone, the entry way all but empty. The joint he dropped and stepped on still smoking lowly as the ground snuffed it out.

what a bastard.

It's one thing to plan to sell me off to some rando—but littering? That's where I cross the fucking line.
Humour makes it hurt just a little less I guess

The car door opening fast I am pushed inside, before it slammed closed. The windows were tinted black And the front where the drivers sat was separated by a black cloth divider.

"She better be the real thing or I'm going to kill my self." The man grunted to another as him and a another man got into the back seat.

"You know I can hear you buddy." I smiled sweetly as I sat forward in my seat.

The man looked at me like I was an idiot, a clueless mutt. "Oh he's going to like your sharp tongue." He smiled as he lead forward too and looked me in my eyes.

He looked bad, but he also looked...I don't know.
"What's your names." I asked as I leaned back in my seat as far away from then as possible.

"Sorry princess that's not how this works." The lead man said as he folded his arms over his chest.
The second man was a redhead, tall and broad. But he just looked me over and smirked.

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