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Did he please you like I could have?

Pulling my dress down I smile into the mirror, the fabric looked wrinkled

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Pulling my dress down I smile into the mirror, the fabric looked wrinkled. My hair looked sexually messy, and my lipstick was smudged in the top corner. I found myself smiling as I felt the satisfaction of victory glide through my bones.

"Here's my number, if you ever want to go again." The man smirked as he fixed his tie and threw on his jacket; one of the buttons of his shirt had been popped off.

It wouldn't take a genius for the people outside to get what happened in here.

"Great thanks." I smiled as I grabbed the paper he was holding onto my fingers. And he bit his lip as he looked at me for a few seconds before he opened the door and walked out.

There were hickeys on my neck, my lips were puffy and My hair looked like someone had dragged their hand through it. Good. Adds realism.

I didn't bother to fix my makeup, or my hair; I just walked to the door and opened it. The party shining brightly as I walked back into the light. I could feel numerous eyes on me, glancing over me like I was an escaped prisoner.

But I think I liked the idea of that. Maybe I wasn't as good as I thought I was.

I felt the eyes of people, but no set was as hot as the pair that chilled my skin. My eyes meeting again with Lorenzo's, though he didn't keep eye contact for that long as he moved his eyes over me.

To the hickeys and the wrinkle of my dress. His eyes shot back up to me, and I saw the devil in his eyes. He was across the room, and I could still see how furious he looked.

But that was the point of all this wasn't it? Jealousy. So come on Lorenzo, why don't you just swim in it.

I tilted the corner of my lip up as I turned my head away from him, my heels clicking on the marble floor as I walk past a garbage can; crumpling up the paper with the man's number and throwing it inside the trash.

"Serina." Marcos hand gripped my forearm tightly, which stopped my tread. "What the fuck did you do." He growled as his nails dug into my wrist.

Yanking at my hand I let my eyes go wild.
"You mean who the fuck did I do." I said. Grabbing his tie I pulled him down to my face, my words never sounding so spiteful and demanding.

"Tell Lorenzo that 'he made me scream'." I laughed, my words sounding insane. My heart beating fast. My head racing.

Letting go of Marco I push him away, bumping him with my shoulder as I pass him.

People were watching me, but I don't care. Serina doesn't care who's watching, or who's listening. I will do and say what I please.

I found myself walking over to a couch, it was empty and I sat down. The smooth satin Fabric felt so expensive—hope I don't spill appetizers on it. Though sitting alone didn't last long, and one after another a man came and sat around me.

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