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yes, you do own me

What the fuck is wrong with me?

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What the fuck is wrong with me?

How could I have said such things to him. I sputtered nonsense like truths because I didn't know how not to lie.

I secretly loved to lie. Like Pinocchio, except I liked to believe my schlong grew with each lie and not my nose.

God I'm crazy. What am I even thinking.

IM CRAZY. I'm actually crazy. Lorenzo don't hate me because I'm crazy. don't leave me because I hurt you.

Lorenzo harsh and loud breathing knocked me back from my own twisted little mind, as a thought came to me; Lorenzo is not the same person he was. Neither am I

but I could tell he almost wished he was as I felt his gaze rip me apart.

Whether he wanted to admit it or not, I had 'emotionally corrupted' him. That's what my imaginary friend said anyways.

Lorenzo is the love of my life, I know he does bad things. Terrible things. He doesn't care about death, takes pleasure in pain because deep inside him he thinks he deserves it, and his drugs were scattered around me like he was trying to start a scavenger hunt.

People were scared of him, and I think that if the mundane world even came to know our story, they would be disgusted at how much I love him. And they'd think that I was batshit crazy and overall just a bad person.

Not that I would give a fuck, and quite honestly would probably kill anyone who said something about it to my face.

I remember a quote from a train stop bathroom stall door which said that the devil was once an angle, or whatever Christian mumbo jumbo they described—but Lorenzo was worse then the devil I guess, because he has never been an angel And he never will be.

But we all do terrible, unthinkable things in our lives at least once. Hell, I think of burning down our house every once in awhile.

But people do unjust things all the time, people do evil things all the time.

It's just that My lover does it more, and better then anyone else ever could.

I froze in the doorway, feeling the heat of his monstrous stare completely and utterly paralyze me.
The heat of his gaze corrupting me, and despite the fact that my mind controls how my body moves, he made me stop in my tracks without even saying a word

My hand rested on the door frame, and a breath was caught in my throat. I couldn't leave him, and I knew it couldn't.

I could try, out of spite, and I knew within like a tuck and roll out the front gates, I'd run back to him.

Finally a breath filled my lungs, but as soon as it came it was taken away and Lorenzos hands came around me and lifted me from where I stood.

I yelped In utter shock, as Time became nothing and in a steadfast moment he slammed my back against the mattress and pinned my wrists to the sheets.

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