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Sorry I have been dead I was forced to go camping. And there were no air mattresses so I slept on rocks for a week straight. It also poured rain for 3 nights And I was scared the whole time that a spider was going to crawl up my butt or into my mouth or something. So that's my excuse. Your welcome

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Also, like the new cover? Or just stick with the old one

"What?" He said. But he had heard.

I felt like a vixen as I stood behind him, all flustered in my stupid short red little dress. He sensed me as I walk up behind him, closer. I was scared; I could feel it radiate off me. I know he could feel it. I think he liked that I was scared of him.

I regret letting him touch me. But my skin burned to touch his, this was all so fucked up and yet-here I am. Playing games with my brothers killer. Lorenzo was supposed to kill me too, he should have. But he didnt, and I cant even imagine why. Why am I useful to him, as he said. I'm 21 and I lived with my brother on a hill In LA that is probably named after some old dead white guy.

I'm not exactly the poster child for Usefulness

"When you killed Lucas you said you were going to keep me until I wished I was dead," I say right back as I approach him. I felt like I was approaching a wild animal and trying to poke it with a sharpened stick. "why?" I asked. My arm went to touch him, I wanted to touch him. fuck.

But he turns quick, quicker then I could react and grabbed my hand, his action brought us closer. He towered over me, that was clear. He was big, his suit exenterated every muscle that was hidden under the expensive fabrics. And yet I kept myself from stepping back.

The corners of his mouth turned up into a slow smile. The smile looked sinister though. He stands there in front of me, in the middle of the private lounge. He wanted me to react somehow, to step back or flinch away. He wanted me to do what he was used to seeing from woman.

He wanted me to submit.

But the only thing I submit is my mobile order at McDonald's.

"Your just like him." Lorenzo spit, his words so sharp that I thought they were going to cut me.
He stood a foot away, the air around us felt cold, bitter.

My head feeling light from the drink I had, I guess maybe it wasn't the best idea to get something hard core.

"Who?" I asked, in a whisper. But it held my curiosity immensely.

Lorenzo tho, looked as if he lost his. He didn't look curious at all anymore, he looked like he wanted to hurt me. Not physically, but mentally.

He ignored my desperate question and continued on. "You are just as ignorant and self destructive." He grabbed a piece of hair that had fallen loose and tucked it behind my ear.
"Like him, you believe your actions don't have consequences."

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