Epiloge part 2

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Lorenzo POV

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Lorenzo POV

Dozens of men laid dead as I ran across the pavement, a few of my own men shovelling the bodies of the bastards who attacked into a pile to be burned later. Blood stained like water puddles on the ground in marks that would never truly wash away completely

But I couldn't concentrate, as my feet padded on the floor and I ran to the door and threw it open, the metal hitting the concrete wall as I rushed inside in a panic, true terror and agony fixating on the topic of my lover.

My heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my ears, and my chest was so tight it was burning.

I felt like I was burning, even though thunder cloud clapped in the sky, calling for rain.

"This way." Marco said, holding his injured arm that no doubt must have been broken. He skitted around a corner, as he ran down the cold and silent Empty hallway

The air was eerie, and lacking of sound. With each step, my heart thudded faster and I felt more like I was going to die. Like death was the promise and the truth id never been able to admit.

I was nothing without her. My world had become so entangled and dependent on hers that She owned every breath that I took. Ever step. Every movement.
I didn't even realize my obsession with her until I sat In the silence that echoed without her beside me.

I wasn't sure when it had become that way, maybe when I realized I loved her, but maybe even before that.

So I ran. After to, to her. Even though I was covered in blood, new cuts and was holding my pistol in my hand that shook like I had gone completely mad.

I wanted to hold her. Tell her that I was here. Tell her she'd be okay.

My vision when blurry, but I wasn't sure if that was from adrenaline or fear

The mess outside didn't matter, the death that burned through the air didn't even begin to make me care. This whole place could be burning to the fucking ground and I'd still abandon everything to find her.

Marco stoped, holding his arm in his hands. He hesitated on the doorknob of the room, but I simply shoved him out of the way and threw it open.

The room was dark, the silent erupted by my heavy breathing. I ran into the emptiness, searching desperately—

A small lamp flickered in the corner, but did nothing to light the way to the only thing that truly mattered.

"Serina?" I said, screamed maybe.

The no was no answer to my call, just a faint shifting in the sheets.

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