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I'd never felt so hot, I was burning from his touch

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I'd never felt so hot, I was burning from his touch. I wanted so much more.

But I couldn't just walk back out there, I mean I just slept with him for gods sake. Oh god, I'm so unholy. I slept with a CRIME BOSS.

There were hickeys on my neck which screamed his mark, my lips swollen from capturing his. My legs were slightly wobbly—I've slept with...packaged man before, but Lorenzo was different. His dick was—dare I say magical. He has a magical dick.

No wonder so many prostitutes want to bounce on it.

"Serina?" His voice rattled around my head, until I realized he was actually pounding on the door. I guess me fleeing away from him after practically pouncing on him wasn't my best moment.

I bit my nails as I wrapped my arms around myself. The memory from mere minutes ago made the ache between my legs urge me to the door.

Again I turned the nob, his boxer covered nakedness making me drool. I looked into his eyes and said nothing, because I had no snappy remarks or sly comments to make.

We had sex. We had sex and the pull towards him didn't leave. Why didn't it leave, it always does with everyone else.

"I-I'm sorry I don't know what came over me." I said as I suddenly became aware of my complete nakedness as his eyes dragged down me hungrily. I shook my head as I walked past him and through to the dresser.

"We only fucked sparrow, it's not a big deal. We both knew it was going to happen eventually." He said as I heard him walk up behind me. I could feel my shoulders tense at his words, and I knew he could tell too.

Not a big deal...right how could I forget.

I found myself cringing at his words. Like I wanted him to say something else. Anything else. "Yeah." I said as I swallowed whatever feelings that constricted my throat. "It was meaningless and it shouldn't have happened." I said as I pulled out a shirt. The words that came out of my mouth hurt to say.

They were like glass on my throat, knives on my tongue and daggers on my lips. But I guess words have always been a weapon.

I felt the air in the room grow cold almost instantly, it got stiff and filled with anger. I felt him standing right behind me, his eyes on the back of my head. "You were the one who begged me to fuck you sparrow, don't get that fucking twisted." He growled as he grabbed me and spun me to face him. The shirt I gripped tightly in a fist in my hand

"Oh of course. But I was clearly unstable. But you'd take any chance you could to get in deep wouldn't you." I sneered. But my words of course only tempted and pushed him further.

He grabbed me by my hips and lifted me onto the dresser, his hand ripping the shirt from my grasp. "You might want to watch your words Serina. Now that I know how rough you like it I'm not worried about screwing you whenever I please."

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