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Drown in me

"Has she been here the whole fucking time

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"Has she been here the whole fucking time." Marco growled as he turned his attention to the men that followed us. "You imbeciles. I told you to search everywhere and you couldn't fucking find her in the most obvious—"

Marcos loud voice made her stir, so I growled out quickly "get the fuck out. All of you." I said as I turned my attention for just a split second to Marco.

He sighed in annoyance, before looking towards Serina for a second and nodding. His eyes flashing with relief, before the door closed and I was alone in the room with her.

I couldn't stop the feelings of darkness that spurred around inside me and My eyes refusing to leave her for even a second, like I feared if I blinked she'd be gone.

I fell to my knees before her, as I placed my hand on the top of her head. "Lorenzo...?" She whispered as she opened her eyes, but I couldn't meet them.

"How could do that to me?" I said, as I pushed myself to a stand and turned my back to her. Trying to hide the way my body trembled.

"What...?" She whispered, her voice groggy as I heard her push herself to a seated position.

"I thought you were fucking dead." I growled angrily as I stared forward at the wall. All I could see was red. All I felt was anger in its purest form.

I was never angry at her, but right now I was. I was.

"What? Why?" She asked, but by the drop in her voice I could tell she remembered "Oh fuck—Lorenzo I..."

"I thought someone came into my fucking room and killed you Serina, while I wasn't home." I hissed as I spun around to look at her "I thought something happened to you. I had my entire fucking mafia searching for you. Yet here you fucking are, sleeping like a fucking child."

"I'm sorry!" She screamed with tears welling in her eyes as she tried to reach out for me but I pulled away. "I didn't think you would—"

Her eyes refracting with hurt, as I stared down at her fiercely, my gaze making her words move to silence.

"Why did you destroy the room like that?" I hissed, as I looked at the expression on her face as I forced myself to stay out of her grip. "What was I supposed to think?"

Her eyes breaking like she came to some sort of conclusion to something.

"I—I couldn't find you, and I don't know! I couldn't think straight." She yelled as her hands shook just about as much as mine did. "You just left!"

"Because you fucking lied to me Serina. So I went to get a drink." My voice came off more cruel then I wanted it to. A part of me wanted to hurt her, as much as I was just hurt In the hours I thought she was dead. "And then you destroy our bedroom for what? Because I wasn't there fucking you? You make me think you are dead, why? Because your mad—"

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