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I want you to taste me.

Since this is wattpad I have to warn, THERE IS MOST DEFINITELY SEX, so if you don't want to read hot steamy sex then skip this chapter

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Since this is wattpad I have to warn, THERE IS MOST DEFINITELY SEX, so if you don't want to read hot steamy sex then skip this chapter. Also if you are under like 12 or something maybe don't read? But also like go hard if you wanna I pass no judgment ;]

Serina POV

His words filled the room like an echo, and his eyes zeroed in on me sharply. Like a lion watching a...hell I don't know what lions eat anymore.

When I didn't move he smirked, as he leant back into the chair looking like the most tempting of sins.
"I won't repeat myself." Lorenzo growled as he seemed to stare right through my damn clothes.

Oh so he wants to play dominate? Game on

I looked him dead in the eye as I gripped the waistband of my sweats and tugged them down. His eyes carefully watching the exposed skin on my legs, as I step out of my bottoms.

A part of me was scared. I have to admit. what if he couldn't see past the scars, the bruises? My skin wasn't exactly porcelain perfect anymore.

Yet I continue to strip away the only guard I had from his eyes , and a shutter when down my spine as I stood in front of him. I threw my shirt at him, and he grabbed it, before tossing it over his shoulder.

Yet I didn't remove my undergarments, and that seemed to anger him. Though I smiled as I walked to him, standing in front of him—not like prey, oh no, like a predator all myself. Because baby he wasn't the only lion.

He leaned forward, and looked up at me, the heat swelling the air as I grabbed my panties and bent down. Dragging them with me, a deadly smile crossing his lips. He leaned forward, his eyes on mine as he kissed my lower stomach, his hand gracing my wounded side with care.

I grabbed his hair in my hands, and he bit my skin In retaliation. "Take it off." He said with liquor dripped words. Yet his eyes were sharp with desire as he glanced at my chest, his body begging for euphoria.

"Make me." I whispered back, and he all but froze. He wanted to play a game, hunny I wanted to start a war.

He let out a shallow laugh; our war had begun "I let you disrespect me in the streets my dear, but you don't want to see what I'll do to you when we are alone." He whispered, goosebumps coving the entirety of my body.

I leaned into him, my lip between my teeth "what if I do want to see." I said in response, and he smiled like he knew I'd answer that.

Without warning he stood, bending down and grabbing me and tossing me over his shoulder. His hand slapping my ass as I squealed in laughter.
"What are you doing, I though we were going to have sex on our nice leather couches." I laughed as he walked to the stairs.

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