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She's got horns like the devil pointed at me, and there's nowhere to run from the fire she breathes.

Serina POV

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Serina POV

The room was dark. No, It was darker then dark. Or maybe it was the emptiness that make it so colourless.

It was chilling how empty the room was, until the flicker of the fire ignited in my hands. The small flame lighting up my skin with an orange glow.

The buzz of the alcohol in my system mixed with anticipation and euphoria.

My skin bruised blue again, the stab wound still sore to the touch. But not that It mattered, because after this, I'll disappear. I'll be gone, somewhere where no one in this stupid mafia life will ever find me or hurt me.

I took a small step, feeling the cars keys in my pocket jangle slightly, my hand going over top of them My body coming to a standstill as I look down at the sleeping Satan.

Too drunk and drugged out to notice that His perfect little mansion was burning.

I'd already caught the curtains, a couch, a painting, a rug, some blankets. Then I grabbed the first set of car keys and I could find and a stack of cash that laid right beside them and I went to leave.

I had my hand on the stupid fucking door handle, but I couldn't leave. Not before I ended this.

Did this make me a monster too? Yes. But would that stop me? No

I guess I'm just as fucked up as The rest.

But revenge was what I swore, and it's what I'll get.

I used to think that Lorenzo was so obsessed with revenge, and how silly it was. That for his revenge he wanted to sell me off to get penance for what happened to his mother.

I used to think how useless it was to want revenge.

But I get it now.

Lorenzo I get it.

Taking in a breath My heart burned as I mentioned his name in my head. Fuck. He is the one I'll never fucking be able to get out of my head, no matter how much I try to forget him.

I wish there was something. Something to make me forget how much I fucking need him.

I felt a tear seep down my cheek, and my body to developed a chill as I walked toward the curtains that drew the windows closed.

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