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I had passed out again—unsurprisingly

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I had passed out again—unsurprisingly. Turns out getting round the clock TORTURE does that to a person. I wasn't quite sure at which part I blacked out but I knew Kye was muttering on about his big evil plan and yada yada yada.

I simply said "I don't give a fuck" before my lights turned off and I was out of service like the McDonald's Ice cream machine.

Speaking of ice cream I was fucking hungry as a whale, but I mean I didn't expect to be fed anymore then a bowl of plain unseasoned rice. But was it just me or did rice only taste good with like soy sauce or some other garments—plain rice is like eating a whole booty hole.

However when I woke I wasn't tied to the chair anymore, oh no—I was chained to a metal pole on the other side of the room.

"Oh so now I'm supposed to shake my ass and strip?" I yelled at the top of my lungs, as the words echoed around the boxed room. I had no clue why they moved me, maybe because they finally found the consideration in their hearts

Fucking doubt it.

"Should I shake my ass or do the splits first?" I yelled again when I got no answer. However I did have a decent ass, And I could throw it back quite nicely—but if I even attempted to do the splits I would have to spilt my way to the emergency room.

My vagina would rip open.

"You are a fucking menace."A voice yelled through the darkness just as the lights of the room came flickering on.

The room looked exactly like I expected it too, grey walls stained with blood, and the cement had cracks and holes in it. Rat shit littered everywhere I could see and Puddles of water sat festering in hair and faeces.

I gaged. I am quaking.

How the fuck am I finding humour in this, I am a fucked up person. Or maybe whatever million diseases live in this torture room have reached my brain. Maybe I've gone mental, maybe if I act fucking crazy they will let me go.

"I know." I answered loud enough for whoever was listening to hear as I fought to keep my head up so I could glance around the room.

But that's when freezing cold water spray down on me causing me to jerk forward as a man sprayed me with a power washer.

It felt like Needles on my skin, and it made my various cuts burn as it washed away the dirt that covered them.

I put my hands up in defence as it showered down on me—soaking my skin and hair. "Stop it bitch." I growled but not surprisingly it didn't stop until I was drenched.

My breath was heavy as I looked up, my water covered eyelashes blurred my vision however.

A man stood there, his face stiff and hard. His body even more stoic. "You are lucky that I haven't carved your tongue out." the man growled as I he took out his gun and my stomach clenched.

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