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What did I do? Something bad obviously, but what?

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What did I do? Something bad obviously, but what?

Who is the man so desperate to find me?

"The daughter of the Accardi crime boss is worth a pretty penny."  Lorenzo's words echoed in my head—but it was like a blur.

If I was that important I would know. There is no way I would have lived 21 years and not have know that. No way.

If Lucas really was just keeping me hostage, holding me in secret—I would have know that.
I am smart, I...I am crafty.

Gripping my hair in my hands I squeezed it—
My message on read, their reply short and sweet sent two hours ago.

'pleasure doing business with you.'  The number typed. But this wasn't pleasurable at all. Trust me, I know pleasure. Every moan, cry and beg of pleasure trust me I know them—but this wasn't it.

But my life, what's left of my life, is not worth the lives of so many others. If I can save them, by doing this—then maybe I can save what's left of my soul.

I know this is stupid, reckless—I have never done something so idiotic. But I can't stay here, I can't spend my life imprisoned by the man who doesn't love me. I knew everything was a game, a trick, I knew that I would get burned by his fire.

But due to my lust for him the tips of my fingers are red and blistered by his flame.

The clock ticked on. Seconds drew past, minutes.

I was about to do something reckless—yet all I could think about was that he got the last laugh. No. I was being petty but I didn't care.

I didn't care that I had gotten up, opened the door and marched towards his office. I didn't care when I heard his voice screaming at John as to why the strange men had returned and why they claimed Marco had asked them to flock back.

I didn't care as I opened the door and their eyes fell on me.

"Here is your phone." I said emotionlessly. I tried to fake my blankness, but I don't have to try. Throwing it at him he caught it against his chest.

"What the fuck did you do." Marco said as he took a step towards me, looking at the sent messages. "I knew you didn't just want a hug, Serina doesn't give hugs." He growled.

"I did what was right, those men don't deserve to die because of me. And it's not my fault you misjudged the moment." I said calmly as I kept my eyes on Marco. But I felt Lorenzo's grey eyes on me.

He was fire, a flame. But I was fucking Ice.

"You might be okay with throwing away the lives of good men for a few rounds of sex, but I am not." I said as I took a step towards him. "Three men—will be exchanged for me. You will not try to find me and you will not contact me ever again." I said "they will leave you alone in peace, and your agreed amount will be paid forward. That is the deal."

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