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Sex, sex sex, watch out for sex. That's my warning.


You are trying to play me? No No hunny you got it all wrong. You are in my damn game.

The tight body con dress fit me like the slippery skin of a snake

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The tight body con dress fit me like the slippery skin of a snake. The long black fabric was so soft that it felt like it could be silk. There was a price tag on it, though I didnt bother to look because I already knew the amount of the dress was probably worth more than my life.

Marco stood with his back turned to me as I slipped the dress on, my hair curled down my back and my makeup done with complete percision. I dont think I have ever looked better.

Usually I rock more of a dumpster trash rat vibe, but tonight; I look like I belonged on a throne.

I looked down at the shive I had made out of a toothbrush I found under the sink, it rested under the leg of the dresser. I bent down quickly to grab it in my hand and then stood; shoving my home made knife into my bra.

"You done? Boss isn't going to be happy that you kept him waiting." Marco said as I brought my hands to my sides, and simply sighed as I walked up behind the mafia second and tapped his shoulder.

Marco turning quickly and gazing down my figure, his eyes raking me up from top to bottom. He smirked and huffed a breath, his thumb brushing his lip as he let his eyes prey me.

"I know, I look hot. I would fuck me." I smirked as I placed my hand on my hip.

He coughed a smile as he stiffened on his feet, and he glanced down at his watch and clenched his eyebrows in frustration. "Let's go. Now." He said as he put out his arm for me to grab, and I rolled my eyes as I quickly slipped on 6 inches torture devices onto my feet.

Stumbling slightly but managing to catch myself on Marco. The dress almost touching the floor. I was grateful that Lorenzo picked a dress that wasn't short;I still have scars that I haven't quite gotten used to yet.

Marco quickly dragged me through the house and into the elevator, the same elevator I had escaped in. It seemed so weird to stand in here again.

The glass walls reflecting all around us, and it wasn't until the ding on the elevator that I regained my sense of reality. "Marco before I—can I ask you something." I said as I grabbed his forearm stopping us both in the open elevator doors.

There were dozens of men waiting, all most likely there to ensure I didn't 'try anything' or 'play games'. But I never do the same thing twice that's boring, so if I was going to run away I wouldn't try to escape using the garage again. But I'm not going to run again, I want to do something a little more dangerous.

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