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It is what it is, so fuck what is was.

 It is what it is, so fuck what is was

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Serina POV

I woke up again with my head pounding, and a plan in my head. feeling the ache in my bones and the dryness of my throat, I almost told myself I should just sit in bed and wither in regret of my bad choices.

Because I made a lot of bad choices these days, but most of them are to spite people. By people I mean Lorenzo.

My eyes were sensitive, and I didn't want to open them. There was a light above me that seemed to shine right into my eyeballs as if on purpose. Like in those cop shows, during an Interrogation.

Using my hand to evade the glare, my eyes flutter open. Which I instantly regret as my head throbs at my action almost as if my head was telling me to go fuck myself.

And if Lorenzo was here I would suspect he would say "it's your own fault." All lot of things seem to be my fault

So; instead of playing dead on the bed, I propped myself up on my elbows, despite my hungoverish state. Because I didn't want to stay down.

Looking around I groaned, the room looked perfectly fine—except for my clothes that littered the floor. Of corse I stripped again, not surprised. I was a beerslut drinker, and also a lot less self conscious. When I was drunk I just didn't care.

"Getting hit by a dildo truck would hurt less then this." I growled as I pulled at his sheets and ripped them off me.

I don't think I put myself to bed, because drunk me doesn't have the capacity to do that. Oh god What if Lorenzo—well I mean it's not like he hasn't seen my underwear before.

I am just glad I didn't do something I would regret. Because I do that often too.

"You know Serina it would be a lot easier if you just corporated." I said to myself.

But it would be, wouldn't it? I wouldn't be sitting in his room, I wouldn't be called a "minx" by literally everybody here and that creepy ass Diablo guy wouldn't have wanted to come 'see me' because of how popular I am with the men 'downstairs'.

I swear Diablo has a bad mojo to him, like you know the scary dude from The Princess and The Frog who is into kinky voodoo shit with the talking facemasks? That's who he reminds me of

Rubbing my eyes I grab a random T-Shirt off the ground, that stupid cropped tank top and small silken shorts were close to doing my head in.

How the fuck do woman sleep in that? I prefer one of two options; one being sleeping naked because did you know it's better for you skin? And second in a hoodie and sweats, shorts if it's really hot.

Sleeping in pretty much Lingerie isn't practical. Though it's sexy and makes me feel like a hot mocha latte, it's not always comfortable in that asshole region.

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