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you hurt me—how dare you.

I could say he kissed me gently, but then I would be lying

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I could say he kissed me gently, but then I would be lying. I could also say that he held me against the wall with care and passion—but that would also be a careless lie.

There was nothing gentle about this moment, the way he kissed me was dominating and angry. I'd never been kissed with such a long waited desperation. His kiss was warm, inviting and temping.

His kiss tempted me in so many dangerous ways. This kiss made me want to forget every other pair of lips that had brushed against mine.

The hold he had on me though was different, he held me to the wall so tight that I thought I'd sink through the drywall. His body flushed into mine as my hands pulled him impossibly close.

I'd never felt so close to a man.

He broke the kiss to look at me for a few splintered moments, his eyes looking to mine as my eyes grew wild like the hottest part of a burning flame. My lungs burning from the lack of oxygen, as my chest moved up and down in an wild rhythm.

I locked my eyes to his and I watched as he seemed to change, his eyes turned a lust filled colour that could be compared to black while a small evil smile crossed his face. "take your shirt off Serina." He growled as he backed off me slightly.

I looked at him in admiration, he truly was a wild beast. "Why should I?" I loomed as the knee length T-shirt seemed to almost beg me to be ripped away.

"Because you know you want to." He growled, "you are just as curious as I am Serina. So take it off."

I kept my eyes locked onto him as I pulled the fabric over me head. "I will, but because I wanted to. Not because you asked me to." I said as I dropped the fabric away, my naked chest a perfect view.

His eyes went from my face down, burning everywhere they gazed. My skin felt like fire, goosebumps littered my skin—the part between my legs throbbing with need.

He waisted absolutely no time as he grabbed his suit and undid the buttons, all while I stood in my panties against the wall. His white under shirt popping off shortly after, the ripped buttons rolling across the floor.

A type of curiosity washed over me, Ive never felt like this before. "Lorenzo." I said as I stepped away from the wall, towards a man that could be compared to a beast.

I brought my hand up and placed it on his chest, my finger running along the ridges of his abs. His skin was like smooth honey, and each and every muscle was prominent and firm. He was made by the gods.

I kept my hand on him as I moved across his body, his eyes watching with tense. I dragged my hand along him, stopping at a healed knife wound on his side. "how?" I whispered as I smoothed my thumb over the damaged skin.

"A story for another time." He grunted as he turned his head and looked down at me, I saw a hint of tightness and restraint—no one has touched him like this before. No one has been gentle

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