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God is a fucking woman.

Serina's POV****************

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Serina's POV

The aching of my bones only intensified as the cold sting of a concrete floor bit at my skin. My heart beat fast, my breath shaky as I opened my eyes, my eyelids feeling heavy like stones were weighing them down.

I groaned in an attempt to get up, but my hands failing me I fall back onto the floor my face pressed into the dampened cooled surface, wet with water leaking from a busted pipe. The drip of water sounding like it was mocking my attempts.

The room was empty and bare, and no light was coming in. I would usually find solace in the darkness, but now I was terrified. Why was I here, why did they kill Lucas, why did the man not just kill me?

Gripping my side, I winced, only to feel my bare skin on my fingertips. Brushing my hand over my body, my clothes gone. They had taken my clothes and threw me here in everything but my black laced bra and my explicit thong.

I felt a tear fall down my cheek, but I wiped it away. This wasn't the time for tears, I was stronger than this. Gripping onto the wall I used it almost like a lifeline as I pulled myself onto my knees. My body aching as it begged me to lay down and accept my fate.

But my story isn't finished yet, my fate isn't sealed. And if I'm going to die, then it will be fighting. Lucas wouldn't have wanted me to give up.

Licking the dryness from my cracked lips I yelled, my voice dry but strong "let me out of here!". And when no answer followed I hit the wall with my first, scraping my skin on the rough surface.

Then like a match getting lit in the darkness, a door hidden in the gloom swung open three men standing In the frame. They all were dressed with guns, and dark clothing fit their bodies. They were intimidating, and they didn't look like they were up for a calm conversation.

They walked into the room their eyes glazing down my body, staring at my chest they smirked. "She'll be a good fuck." One said to the others, and I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Fuck you." I spit, and they all looked down at me like I broke a sacred law. One stepped to me, his hand reeling back as he striked me in the face knocking me off my knees and back onto the chilled floor. His rings digging into my skin and ripping at it. Gasping for breath I turned my head to look at him "I hope you choke on a dick and shit your pants you mother fucking coker." I said and he scowled at me, in anger. But the other two men, I could see brief smiles on their faces.

"Someone needs to fuck some manors into this slut." The angered man growled, the other two men laughing down at me. "What is your relationship to Lucas Accardi?" He asked as he looked down at me, his eyes catching mine I look up at him.

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